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About Cappy

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 11/14/96

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  • Location
    ATL hoe
  • Interests
    Riff Raff

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  1. welcome back !!
  2. you are amazing at this stuff please keep it up
  3. dont bug troll he wont stop bothering u. anyway welcome :imtroll:
  4. a CJ night :troll:
  5. do u ever plan :troll:
  6. this will be a big event. hope something special is planned
  7. im kinda a CJ freak

  8. i just thought i would make this just a suggestion for a few new maps on the CJ server. i find them personally fun and challenging and i thought they would add a new "sexy" to the CJ server ^_^ imo. thanks! i dont know if i applied the right type of info needed for this. i just copied lossy's template from a post from 2014 1. Map name: MP_boxes_v2 Difficulty: ease, med, hard What rotation should it go on: the cj one? Download(please don't post if it's already on our download): 2. Map name: mp_descent_v2 Difficulty: EZ, Hard What rotation should it go on: the cj one? Download: 3. Map name: mp_evacuate_v2 Difficulty(if map has more than 1 difficulty, please say): easy med, hard, GAP room What rotation should it go on: the cj one? Download: 4. Map name: mp_beast Difficulty(if map has more than 1 difficulty, please say): ez, inter, Hard, Unfinshed ADV way What rotation should it go on: the cj one? Download: 5. Map name: mp_eb_unknown Difficulty(if map has more than 1 difficulty, please say): easy,hard(its a true inter way), ADv What rotation should it go on: the cj one? Download:
  9. i never bothered to look into his dr source. i just saw the SS of his menu. my bad loss. u never let anything get by you :P #2Gud
  10. exploiting source codes for nubs... kk. u dont change the mod from braxi. im u want to steal a source and change the creators name... pls do it to Wingzors
  11. @@West congrats
  12. well ye... this is the cj section :P
  13. but there needs to be a option to the graphics setting to let people that dont have it not see it. like it could possibly throw off fps for people with low pcs(me) but still like to CJ. like add an option on the user-side. unless the trail already falls under a dvar/cvar which i feel it does. but IMO

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. HyperCoD


      Yea he could be 22 0-0. lol Congratz on finishing High School. Have fun at College man.

    3. Cappy


      thanks so much. yea im 18 turn 19 in November. im one of the oldest in the class of 2015. a 21 year old graduated with me too soo Xd

    4. Ryan


      I turn 19 in November too :O

  15. this is really good. especially since you dont have some major desgin studio backing you up or a high investment team paying you for your work,