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Status Updates posted by evensosan

  1. We had 4 terror attacks in 2 hours in israel

  2. so we had an alert in the entire north side of israel (witch means this side is getting bombed), and it was just a dumbfuck who turned on the alert. fuck this, im moving to canada.

  3. Israel getting bombed again, summer in israel has now officially started!

  4. After removing all of the songs i dont hear anymore from my playlist: from 60 songs to 19. Holy crap.

  5. I had a dream I was in the elevator with horror movies characters . Nothing scary , everyone rose to his floor . I think one of my friends put somethig in my Coke .

  6. being awake late at night with an open window, hearing some creepy shit.

    1. Anti


      Likely just the rake and Jeff having tea until 173 crashed it

    2. Jeffy
  7. Me and Jeffy going to our school trip tommarow! wont be here for atleast a day or 2.

    1. Jeffy


      i love cookies.

    2. evensosan


      Im getting a pack of Oreos for the trip, and were not in the sane room (:

      I will let you get mad.

    3. ~Budzy~
  8. well, another teat to fail tommarow.

  9. How to be the REAL community manager right here!

  10. So black ops 3 teaser released yesterday (why you NO MAKE WORLD AT WAR 2), oh well.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Beatthat


      might buy it if it doesnt have dumbass exos like Advanced warshit

    3. jwofles


      Also Even, are you referring to the thing on snapchat as a teaser trailer? If so, how does it confirm BO3?

    4. evensosan


      Dont know about you, but i liked WAW. I also want them to make a second game so i can kill some natzis.

  11. wont be playing until wednsday. if im in the other side of israel, atleast i can have fun.. :D

    1. Cloudy


      Have fun mate

    2. Jeffy


      have fun, but where you going?

  12. anyone here also have crazy weather or its just me?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Tinman


      Meh... if 35 C is crazy then yeah :>

    3. Tilak
    4. evensosan


      its almost -9 in my town with no snow.


    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. evensosan


      As you can see on the top of the broswer, theres hebrew writing

    3. BraXi


      I think its Judish version of windows, explains why everything's flipped :dave:

    4. BraXi


      Right, EvenSosan explained it already, lel.

  13. Worst fucking day ever.

    1. Show previous comments  18 more
    2. evensosan


      So what are you now? :P

    3. MegaPixarius


      she's a thinker now, .... process of thinking starting in 4...3...2...1...1...1..

    4. QueNNch
  14. Not gonna be here for the next 2 weeks (i think). School stuff, friends stuff and shitl like that.

  15. Are you new here? If you are then welcome! (: