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Status Updates posted by evensosan

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. evensosan


      As you can see on the top of the broswer, theres hebrew writing

    3. BraXi


      I think its Judish version of windows, explains why everything's flipped :dave:

    4. BraXi


      Right, EvenSosan explained it already, lel.

  1. How to be the REAL community manager right here!

  2. After removing all of the songs i dont hear anymore from my playlist: from 60 songs to 19. Holy crap.

  3. anyone here also have crazy weather or its just me?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Tinman


      Meh... if 35 C is crazy then yeah :>

    3. Tilak
    4. evensosan


      its almost -9 in my town with no snow.


  4. Are you new here? If you are then welcome! (:

  5. being awake late at night with an open window, hearing some creepy shit.

    1. Anti


      Likely just the rake and Jeff having tea until 173 crashed it

    2. Jeffy
  6. I had a dream I was in the elevator with horror movies characters . Nothing scary , everyone rose to his floor . I think one of my friends put somethig in my Coke .

  7. Israel getting bombed again, summer in israel has now officially started!

  8. Me and Jeffy going to our school trip tommarow! wont be here for atleast a day or 2.

    1. Jeffy


      i love cookies.

    2. evensosan


      Im getting a pack of Oreos for the trip, and were not in the sane room (:

      I will let you get mad.

    3. ~Budzy~
  9. Not gonna be here for the next 2 weeks (i think). School stuff, friends stuff and shitl like that.

  10. So black ops 3 teaser released yesterday (why you NO MAKE WORLD AT WAR 2), oh well.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Beatthat


      might buy it if it doesnt have dumbass exos like Advanced warshit

    3. jwofles


      Also Even, are you referring to the thing on snapchat as a teaser trailer? If so, how does it confirm BO3?

    4. evensosan


      Dont know about you, but i liked WAW. I also want them to make a second game so i can kill some natzis.

  11. so we had an alert in the entire north side of israel (witch means this side is getting bombed), and it was just a dumbfuck who turned on the alert. fuck this, im moving to canada.

  12. We had 4 terror attacks in 2 hours in israel

  13. well, another teat to fail tommarow.

  14. wont be playing until wednsday. if im in the other side of israel, atleast i can have fun.. :D

    1. Cloudy


      Have fun mate

    2. Jeffy


      have fun, but where you going?

  15. Worst fucking day ever.

    1. Show previous comments  18 more
    2. evensosan


      So what are you now? :P

    3. MegaPixarius


      she's a thinker now, .... process of thinking starting in 4...3...2...1...1...1..

    4. QueNNch