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Status Replies posted by evensosan

  1. Summer vacation in 1 month :)

  2. wellp. Off to take a test that'll decide my future :D ggnore gents

  3. no, not again.

  4. So black ops 3 teaser released yesterday (why you NO MAKE WORLD AT WAR 2), oh well.

    1. evensosan


      Dont know about you, but i liked WAW. I also want them to make a second game so i can kill some natzis.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  5. i got sweg. ^_^

    1. evensosan


      Its funny how someone saying someone and bosnian being mean right away.

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  6. anyone here also have crazy weather or its just me?

    1. evensosan


      its almost -9 in my town with no snow.


    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  7. The Amazing Run of Raid-Gaming.net, all in a playlist.

  8. Raid, thou shall be missed. :(

  9. I can't live without food...

  10. just watching youtube and then i realize im slowly losing vision in my right eye. usually this means that im gonna have a migraine but idk help me

    1. evensosan


      I have the same problem since i was 10. Take a brake from the screen every 2 hours. In a day that you can go to sleep late, go to bad before around 01:00 am. It won't stop the migraine from happening, but your eye will get better.

    2. (See 20 other replies to this status update)