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About Sweg.

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 04/15/97

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    1. Ryan


      Now my vulcans worth less :(

    2. Sweg.


      just wait for everyone to not give a damn about the new cases! then your prices will go back up. Simple economics :D

  1. Loving the new web skin ^.^

    1. jwofles


      loving sweg ^.^

    2. siikdude


      I like it too.

    1. jwofles
    2. BosnianArmy


      What did Waffles eat today? ;-;

    3. Sweg.


      @JWofles I miss you too bb <3

  2. Havent been on COD4 in about a solid month. Its official CSGO has taken over my life

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. PC.


      same here :(

    3. Ryan


      CSGO is life

    4. BosnianArmy


      @Ryan, especially if you get the rare knife. Those are atleast 2K euro/dollars worth o.0..

  3. i just need huntsman and breakout cases, why you no gibe me gaben :dave:

    1. Tinman


      I can give you 3/4 breakout for 1 Chroma2 :D

    2. Sweg.


      i have no chroma 2's :yay:

  4. Guess who's back, back again Sweggy's back, tell a friend Guess who's back, guess who's back, guess who's back, guess who's back guess who's back Guess who's back...

    1. Dolph1n


      Santa Clause?

    2. Anti


      @Dolph1n, obviously it's Not so slim shady

    3. Lossy


      some faggot back

  5. Finally on my way home! Just have to sit in a pickup truck for 4 hours next to my best friend with B.O. (Body odor) :yay:

    1. jwofles
    2. Sweg.


      Almost home, then I get to talk to Baewofles ;) :wub:

    3. Purity


      Best friend with black ops!

  6. @@Purity That's my dream bike! Loved ktm since my dad had one
  7. I've been doing that everyday for a week :troll: no parents, no supervision, and a lot of liquor :wub:
  8. Sweg is here to save the day with his non mediocre scripting skillsEDIT: just give me CM :troll:
  9. As the topic states, what is your favorite pastime? To start out, my favorite thing to do outside of gaming is motor sports/motocross/ quads(four wheelers) and motorcycles. It's exilerating and gets the adrenaline and blood pumping. I ride a Honda east 250ex sportrax four wheeler, and a Honda 400 motorcycle. I ride them with my closest friends on trails that we've made in our hometown and trails all around our state. Now guys what's your favorites?
  10. Stuck in the woods and Haven't been on a pc in 3 days. I'm going through withdraws

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Sweg.


      Treatment options:

      1. Alcoholic binge

      2. Drug induced streaking through town

      3. Sell body parts/organs on black market

      4. Comedy lessons

    3. siikdude


      I'm stuck in in south Carolina in a rv and I'm going through withdrawals ;_;

    4. Sweg.


      Dean oh dean, I feel ya buddy