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Status Updates posted by QueNNch

  1. Ya'all excited for PC release of GTA V? Can't wait till Jan 27th! http://goo.gl/JxKGzs

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. siikdude


      The recommended gpu is a 480?? I hope the graphics aren't like the consoles.

    3. Headdy


      Nooooooo these requirements are fake. Rockstar didn't release them yet

    4. iMtroll


      Sooo... It's now 25th of February, and it's been delayed until the 14th of April :P

  2. Malwarebytes Premium serial keys ! Enjoy http://puu.sh/dyybG/a076ffaca2.txt

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. siikdude


      Thanks so much QueNNch. It worked! I've been running off the free AVG antivirus and to get this is amazing. Once again thanks friend

    3. Zack


      7BP98 taken ^^

      QueNNch, thanks a lot dude, I also had free AVG xD

    4. QueNNch



      The keys are reusable so don't worry about exhausting them.

  3. Can we have the falling snow or some christmas fx on the forum like last year :D ?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Headdy
    3. QueNNch


      We can make this possible! We have the technology :davemas:

    4. jwofles


      it gives lossy low fps :troll:

  4. People already started saying Happy New Year... did anyone think 2015 is so close :o

    1. Anti


      Had people on my block put up Christmas lights back on Halloween, stuff like that is to be expected, although it's annoying :angryarnold:

  5. http://superhotgame.com/play-prototype An browser FPS game where time only moves when you move. Dodge bullets and land stylish kills! :D (it's worth a try)
    1. Anti


      Horrid game and overused mechanic, 3/10


    2. QueNNch


      i liked it and just wanted to share :/

    3. Anti


      It's actually a fun game and I enjoyed the partially unique mechanics behind it. However, it's limited to just that, show-case of that specific mechanic in which starts time when you move. If there were puzzles and or more challenging sections added as well, would view as more of whole game

  6. wow this is the best tune I've heard in a while <3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RnOrxkpN_k0

    1. Headdy


      tbh I'm not into trap, but I like it. It sounds so clean, simple. Seems like a good song.

    2. BlueSeven
    3. BlueSeven


      my bad lol and yh this song is nice actually

  7. I've got this 5 GHz modem from virgin media, and now with the 150 Mbps connection I can literally download 1 GB in just a minute :O

    1. ~Budzy~


      I'm waiting for BT infinity's new 300mb/s package, need to wait until it's installed in my area

    2. Pixel


      I'm jealous. All this high internet stuff > we can't afford it :c

  8. They announced Windows 10

    1. Lossy


      not sure if the are listening to us or windows 8 sales actually hit them that hard to take a step back, this should of been windows 8.

    2. Cloudy


      Where's windows 9? o.0

    3. QueNNch


      Microsoft's new CEO said it wouldn't be 'right' to call it Windows 9 http://www.theguardian.com/technology/2014/sep/30/microsoft-windows-10-release

  9. anyone here ever used dial up(back in the days?) you might recall this sound :D http://soundcloud.com/john-pemberton/modem-dialup

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Headdy


      That's... old...

    3. QueNNch


      Yeah, i still remember I once downloaded GTA Vice City off dialup xD ... took AGES. Boy those were the days, when internet was not easy to access on every device, and it never took over our lives (:

    4. NNJ


      sounds like childhood

  10. Got the new Mac Pro this week (the 8-core version). Guess what the first thing I did with it? INSTALLED WINDOWS :D

  11. lol UKIP http://bzfd.it/1pg3IzE are they even serious :P ?

  12. What do you do when your PC has serious overheating issues, that it won't even turn on. I am trying on a quick temporary solution to get important work done this weekend :(

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. siikdude


      this is why you dont buy alienware

    3. ~Budzy~


      ^, put it in the shower

    4. QueNNch


      it wasn't alienware @siikdude

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. ~Budzy~


      Just don't go to liverpool... So dangerous

    3. QueNNch


      Surely gonna go to Liverpool now :3

      BTW whereabouts do u live Staab?

    4. ~Budzy~


      I live in kent, medway, rochester, very south east

  13. I'm at the Himalayan Mountains, and the place is so beautiful! :)

    1. Tilak


      why u do dis ;.; i regret not goin there last year

    2. Kratos


      Enjoy your time QueNNch :)

    3. QueNNch


      Cheers :)

      And yeah Anti, I'll share pics^^

  14. man India seems so hot now after being out for a year... can't live without air cons D:

    1. Punk


      Do what i do sleep naked inside the refrigerator ._.

    2. Kratos
  15. Off to India for all this summer (till 3rd September) ;)

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Synd


      I'll miss you :( all summer :O

    3. Tilak


      good old home country ^^

    4. BlueSeven
  16. aaaaand last day of Year 12 in school. Year 13 starts September.... WHICH IS THE LAST YEAR OF SCHOOL; I feel old D:

  17. Internet Achievement Unlocked: Top comment on imgur front page post ---> http://imgur.com/gallery/YoA3ZL9/comment/249686521

  18. No idea what to buy for wearing this summer :<

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. Darmuh


      I'm from california, the heat is nothing to me.

    3. QueNNch


      Lol Sentrex really?

    4. Sentrex


      So many people wear topman nowadays :p