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About QueNNch

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  • Birthday 02/25/97

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  1. No idea what to buy for wearing this summer :<

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Darmuh


      Plain T-shirts + pants of any sort

      Shorts if it's way too hot or you're near a water source and jeans otherwise

      That's what I go by at least :)

    3. Gabe


      Topman, river island, there are some great looking clothes

    4. QueNNch


      @Bumba lol nice find

      @Darmuh yeah the good old style which works anywhere ;)

      @Gabe yeah mate, been looking at Topman, but don't see anything new this year. Wearing the same kinda thing everyday is getting boring :<

      Looking at women's fashion, and they've got new styles and outfits coming out every year. And men's, ugh... it's literally the same as it was 50 years ago :P

      Don't know the good brands in the UK, will look at river islan...

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