
Retired Admin
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Status Replies posted by Headdy

  1. :foreveralone:

  2. cut my regular sim into micro sim and it works :dave:

  3. cut my regular sim into micro sim and it works :dave:

  4. Tonight! Go Brazil!

  5. Tonight! Go Brazil!

  6. I just drank 1 liter of marijuana

  7. Well I'm Attempting to make a ACP to dr besides the old one also im new to .menu #lossy . My Noob main menu: http://gyazo.com/e73a2671dc8928bb0dc7ddd58be54544 My ACP: http://gyazo.com/885bd86f1214f342eea2cbc8ce3ae0c7 <-- Just started :<

  8. Well I'm Attempting to make a ACP to dr besides the old one also im new to .menu #lossy . My Noob main menu: http://gyazo.com/e73a2671dc8928bb0dc7ddd58be54544 My ACP: http://gyazo.com/885bd86f1214f342eea2cbc8ce3ae0c7 <-- Just started :<

  9. Launch and learn. Everything is progress.

  10. iOS 8 swift programming language looks close to cod4 modding language

  11. Attempting to make a shop with .menu xD ik darmuh it ruins dr etc but raid has vip :troll:

  12. Finally got myself a job :D

  13. Attempting to make a shop with .menu xD ik darmuh it ruins dr etc but raid has vip :troll:

  14. Which GFX card I should buy?

  15. Which GFX card I should buy?

  16. Which GFX card I should buy?

  17. What drives you? What motivates you to keep doing what you do?

  18. im temp banned ;(