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Status Updates posted by JakeARmer

  1. Finger tips have been tingling for the past week...I don't like it.

  2. Homework bothering me again. I need to do it, but i'm not feeling up to it.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Zack


      My math teacher rarely gives a shit to be honest, I just copy it down when he goes over it in class. l0l

    3. iMtroll


      And THAT, is why the youth of today is seen as lazy and stupid.

    4. Headdy



  3. I feel like I should do my homework, but NOPE!

  4. Pirated Borderlands The Pre-Sequel yay

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ~Budzy~


      And I also uninstalled after 5 minutes because it was shit

    3. siikdude
    4. Cuntsole Peasant

      Cuntsole Peasant

      Couldn't agree more with Staab

  5. Spring break is love, Spring break is life!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Tinman
    3. Tinman


      It's autumn for goodness sake. AUTUMN NOT FALL

    4. jwofles


      Spring started 20th March 2015 Tinman what are you on?