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661 lul jokes you need to be higher than lossy to be on his level

About ~Budzy~

  • Rank
    Getting there!
  • Birthday 02/16/99

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  1. Why am I so shit at making music, it starts decent then I ruin it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=moAXdg-MOn8&feature=youtu.be

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. iMtroll


      Because you started making music a few months ago... And you're learning through YouTube videos and such.

    3. ~Budzy~


      It's the only way I can learn until I start college :<

    4. jwofles


      No offense staab but there was no build up to the drums and of course you're not gonna make good shit in 50 minutes. Instead of working on something for less than an hour, spend a few days and then share it. To have a song develop, you have to have a fresh mind and see what you like and dislike. You can't get your ideal sounds for your song in under an hour :c

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