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661 lul jokes you need to be higher than lossy to be on his level

About ~Budzy~

  • Rank
    Getting there!
  • Birthday 02/16/99

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  1. Why am I so shit at making music, it starts decent then I ruin it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=moAXdg-MOn8&feature=youtu.be

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ~Budzy~


      Drums and piano notes to sync together was probs hardest part

    3. Headdy


      It's too flat. The WUB WUB WUB part should be more "active", in the way of sound(s). I'm not sure if I'm understandable, but I'd like to hear more stuff on the background too, maybe some piano sounds?

    4. ~Budzy~


      >some piano sounds, please tell me you're joking when you say that, can you not hear the dam piano D:, also, i tired to avoid using presets and made my own wobbles, hence why i suck

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