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Status Updates posted by ~Budzy~

  1. Merry Christmas lads

    1. Triton


      Ayy merry xmas lmao

    2. sxk


      lmao merry xmas ayy

    3. Bandit
  2. I bought cod ghosts for like £4 and apart from the small camping now and again, the game is actually kinda fun

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. jwofles
    3. ~Budzy~


      I still prefer bo3 over ghosts, but it's a close tie honestly... ghosts is just kinda slow...

    4. sxk
    5. Show next comments  3 more
    1. Anti


      Better make them count ^^

    2. ~Budzy~


      I leved up twice just by knifing as it gets the most XP, on the giant with the bowie knife, quite a good strat honestly

  3. the stitches on my balls came undone and left a hole in my balls so i had to have it taped back up lol rip me

    1. jwofles


      oh and staab did you request a new pw on my 2nd acc?

    2. Conker


      holy fuck dude...

    3. Grezwal



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  4. balls are getting better, not allowed to fap for 2 months though

    1. ~Budzy~


      never had a wet dream in my life, went against what the doctors said and fapped anyway, all went well

    2. siikdude


      You never has a wet dream because you jack off too much.

    3. jwofles


      inb4 u fap and blood comes out :<

      listen to the doctors pls

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  5. tfw u have to sit down to piss

    1. ~Budzy~
    2. iMtroll


      that feel when *

      mfw is the only one that refers to face when

    3. ~Budzy~


      well fuck u too

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  6. Currently sitting in a hospital bed, had to have an operation on my balls because I had 'testicle torsion' it's very serious and could result in losing a testicle in under 6 hours, I didn't loose one, make sure you guys never get it as it's the worse pain ever, both before and after surgery

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Knarley Sheen

      Knarley Sheen

      Seriously, br0 turns into brother? ;-;

    3. Darmuh


      @Hadouken the people who run this site are nerds

    4. Cloudy


      Get well soon mate.

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    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Pixel


      tru, i noticed that things need adding, but no need to comment if you say it's WIP, cmon siik, common sense

    3. siikdude


      I was giving him constructive criticism.. I understand its a wip lmao

    4. Pixel


      i was joking damn

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  7. I have became Oliver Heldens. https://clyp.it/0cwi3cup

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Mazh


      what do you use to make this? Sounds good!

    3. ~Budzy~


      FL studio and custom made sounds

    4. Pixel


      nice one, sounds ace

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  8. i miss when raid first started, it was so much better then, like who even are half you people

  9. need a decent game for under £10 on steam im bored

    1. Show previous comments  34 more
    2. Spencer


      Mount your Friends

    3. jwofles


      -depth (shark game)

      -brink (fps)

      -keep talking and nobody explodes (play this with somebody, only 1 copy of the game needed, record it for youtube :>)

    4. jwofles
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  10. when you're going somewhere on sunday and you check the weather but different sites say different things....

    1. ~Budzy~


      Maybe I want to go somewhere to make my boring life, less boring

    2. Spencer
    3. Lossy


      it's because weather is hard to predict.

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  11. ever have one of them 'ghost shits' where it just slides out your ass and leaves no sign of it being there and just leaves ur ass empty


  13. tfw ur college timetable gets changed and u start at 10am instead of 8:45 and the time u finish doesnt change

    1. SPi


      Update: Now in University, we have lessons in 9am or 12am or 3pm or 6pm and its not strict :D

    2. ~Budzy~


      my time table changes on the days im there, i could have a lesson then a 2 hour break then a 2 hour less, 30 minute break, 45 minute lesson, depends on the day

    3. BosnianArmy
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