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Posts posted by ~Budzy~

  1. This is a great map, but as I remember, it was overplayed as hell, every single time It came up in the rotation, it ALWAYS won so could become overplayed after time




  2. So after playing it for a bit, here's what I really think


    1. The spawn room is a bit bland tbh, and people won't know that they have to prone under the door to even start the ma


    2. the traps are eh, I've seen most of them in other maps, nothing really unique tbh.


    3. Near the part with the water, you can barley get across without something blowing you up


    4. the map its self just feel eh in general, it just doesn't have a good flow to it, it might just be me that feels this way


    5. It has nothing to do with the first version of likeaboss, likeaboss had a really nice flow to it, good for speedrunning and strafing, the way I feel about this map is that it should have had a different name than just likeabossv2, but that's my opinion anyway 




  3. I miss Crazyrun so much, Only downside was jumper could shoot the activator through the wall, I wouldn't moan about Skypillar nor Watercity being overplayed because I love those maps, Oreo is eh, Dirt was a great map back in the day, I used to love playing it back in IceOps 1.1, Pool was that short ass map but was still fun to play!


    No one ever plays SG1, Or wicked2, and some others, so may I suggest taking them out, and also adding iWILLrockyou instead of IWONTrock you, and maybe add buggedlikehell back


    Much :wub:  


  4. Trap2()

    {                            <-------- It was coming from there, but nothing was wrong before, all of a sudden it just wants to bad syntax on me? 

     object = getent("trap2", "targetname");

     trigger = getent("trap2trigger", "targetname");


     trigger waittill("trigger",player);



     while (1)


     object moveZ (-80,1.0);

     object waittill ("movedone");

     wait (0.000001);

     object moveZ (80,0.8);

     object waittill ("movedone");

     wait (0.000001);




    Full Script:


    game["allies"] = "marines";
    game["axis"] = "opfor";
    game["attackers"] = "axis";
    game["defenders"] = "allies";
    game["allies_soldiertype"] = "desert";
    game["axis_soldiertype"] = "desert";

    thread Arrow1();
    thread Fire();
    thread Music();
    thread Startdoor();
    thread First_Teleport();
    thread Trap1();
    thread Trap2();

    level.firefx = loadFX( "deathrun/sentrexfire" );

    object = getent("arrow1", "targetname");
    trigger = getent("arrow1trig", "targetname");

    trigger waittill("trigger",player);

    while (1)
    object movez (-31,1);
    object waittill ("movedone");
    wait (0.000001);
    object movez (31,1);
    object waittill ("movedone");
    wait (0.000001);

    fire1 = getEnt( "fire1", "targetname" );
    fire2 = getEnt( "fire2", "targetname" );
    fire3 = getEnt( "fire3", "targetname" );
    fire4 = getEnt( "fire4", "targetname" );

    level waittill( "round_started" );

    playFX( level.firefx, fire1.origin );
    playFX( level.firefx, fire2.origin );
    playFX( level.firefx, fire3.origin );
    playFX( level.firefx, fire4.origin );

    Music() {
    wait 10;
    random = randomint (6);
    switch (random) {
    case 0: Ambientplay("cinder");
    iprintln("^7Now Playing^1:^7 Cinderella Man ^1- ^7Eminem");
    wait 1.0;
    iprintln("^7Now Playing^1:^7 Cinderella Man ^1- ^7Eminem");
    wait 1.0;
    iprintln("^7Now Playing^1:^7 Cinderella Man ^1- ^7Eminem");
    case 1: Ambientplay("ber");
    iprintln("^7Now Playing^1:^7 Berserker ^1- ^7Approching Nirvana");
    wait 1.0;
    iprintln("^7Now Playing^1:^7 Berserker ^1- ^7Approching Nirvana");
    wait 1.0;
    iprintln("^7Now Playing^1:^7 Berserker ^1- ^7Approching Nirvana");
    case 2: Ambientplay("gold");
    iprintln("^7Now Playing^1:^7 Gold Dust ^1- ^7DJ Fresh (Flux Pavilion Remix)");
    wait 1.0;
    iprintln("^7Now Playing^1:^7 Gold Dust ^1- ^7DJ Fresh (Flux Paviloin Remix)");
    wait 1.0;
    iprintln("^7Now Playing^1:^7 Gold Dust ^1- ^7DJ Fresh (Flux Pavilion Remix)");
    case 3: Ambientplay("bang");
    iprintln("^7Now Playing^1:^7 Bumpy Ride ^1- ^7Mohombi (Chuckie Remix)");
    wait 1.0;
    iprintln("^7Now Playing^1:^7 Bumpy Ride ^1- ^7Mohombi (Chuckie Remix)");
    wait 1.0;
    iprintln("^7Now Playing^1:^7 Bumpy Ride ^1- ^7Mohombi (Chuckie Remix)");
    case 4: Ambientplay("star");
    iprintln("^7Now Playing^1:^7 All Star ^1- ^7Smash Mouth");
    wait 1.0;
    iprintln("^7Now Playing^1:^7 All Star ^1- ^7Smash Mouth");
    wait 1.0;
    iprintln("^7Now Playing^1:^7 All Star ^1- ^7Smash Mouth");
    case 5: Ambientplay("happy");
    iprintln("^7Now Playing^1:^7 Kid Cudi ^1- ^7Pursuit Of Happnies (Steve Aoki Dance Remix)");
    wait 1.0;
    iprintln("^7Now Playing^1:^7 Kid Cudi ^1- ^7Pursuit Of Happnies (Steve Aoki Dance Remix)");
    wait 1.0;
    iprintln("^7Now Playing^1:^7 Kid Cudi ^1- ^7Pursuit Of Happnies (Steve Aoki Dance Remix)");


    trig = getEnt( "startdoor", "targetname" );
    brush = getEnt( "doora", "targetname" );
    brush2 = getEnt( "doorb", "targetname" );

    trig waittill( "trigger");
    trig delete();
    wait 15;
    wait 1;
    wait 1;
    wait 1;
    wait 1;
    wait 1;
    brush moveX(200,0.30);
    brush2 moveX(-200,0.30);
    wait 1.0;

    trig = getEnt("trigger_teleport1", "targetname");
    tele1 = getEnt("origin_teleport1", "targetname");

    trig waittill("trigger", player);
    player setOrigin(tele1.origin);

    object = getent("trap2", "targetname");
    trigger = getent("trap2trigger", "targetname");

    trigger waittill("trigger",player);

    while (1)
    object moveZ (-80,1.0);
    object waittill ("movedone");
    wait (0.000001);
    object moveZ (80,0.8);
    object waittill ("movedone");
    wait (0.000001);





    I just can't get a script working for the climbing thing for what I want it to do... 


  5. Errors D:, I tried to make a script that made the climbing trap move X at random times, didn't work, removed the script, trap2 what worked fine now has an error in it? I just can't fking win. 
