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Status Updates posted by ~Budzy~

  1. this will probably be my first song that i will finish and be proud of https://soundcloud.com/xstaab/will-finish-this

    1. Triton


      Pretty good, keep it going :dave:

    2. ~Budzy~


      Finished it and i don't like it anymore

    3. siikdude
    4. Show next comments  12 more
  2. update on my melbourne progress, only learnt how to make it yesterday, give feedback pls https://soundcloud.com/xstaab/proper-melbourne

  3. used ableton instead of FL studio, so much easier https://clyp.it/cbzja2ac

    1. WabbaJ@ck


      I've always hated Ableton but you make good movies so gg.

    1. Lossy


      e.g mean and my bro are on the same network(connected to the same router) and i can see him there https://i.gyazo.com/9f00f2e243bffde77cbcdfa1c45bd8e4.png and he'll see me there on his pc

    2. Lossy


      fml put mean instead of me

    3. ~Budzy~


      west gimme ur password

    4. Show next comments  12 more
    1. ~Budzy~


      define 'what did i use' u gotta be more specific lol

    2. WabbaJ@ck


      what plugin didu u use?

    3. ~Budzy~


      massive for the main bass, and other effects for EQ, reverb, delay ect

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  4. When you take a shit so big that it causes a mini nuke in your toilet

    1. Cuntsole Peasant

      Cuntsole Peasant

      And then the shit water fills your anal hole and cools your bladder, then you shit the water again and then fuck.

    2. Ryan
    3. BosnianArmy
  5. when you're going somewhere on sunday and you check the weather but different sites say different things....

    1. ~Budzy~


      Maybe I want to go somewhere to make my boring life, less boring

    2. Spencer
    3. Lossy


      it's because weather is hard to predict.

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  6. Why am I so shit at making music, it starts decent then I ruin it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=moAXdg-MOn8&feature=youtu.be

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    2. ~Budzy~


      Why would it be offensive? Its good feedback

    3. rednose


      your melodie changes to much, keep them simple so they stay in mind

    4. ~Budzy~


      Short catchy melodies is what I need to work on ^^ , I don't play piano so I struggle on that, but I'm learning :P

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