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Posts posted by ~Budzy~

  1. Why do we give a shit how you spell something? he's asking for help not to be fucking corrected on something that isn't wrong... 


    Do control + F and search for it lol, its in there somewhere


    I've done it before but it was a long time ago and I forgot 


  2. It's like, you say this map has 20 traps, but why can't the mapper make a map that has 20 traps and no bounces strafes and cj elements? im sure there are a fuck ton of unique things you can do without even passing up the thought of adding a bounce to it 


  3. I just played it in devmap and I completely hate it, I spent a good 30 minutes doing the normal maps and the secrets and I just couldn't bring myself to like it, at all 


    I'm normally all for maps with bounces and shit because it brings something different but this wasn't the case with this map... 



    Just simply click Quote to see what's inside and use youtube converter at this website www.youtube-mp3.org, use the youtube link and convert it to see which video it is :troll:, no I'm not rolled :troll:



    But you took your time to do that so you are very much rolled 


  5. Thank you Staab for being so nice again. I Really don't know why you're rude. Even if you'd be right about the maps.


    @, Welcome to the Raid Gaming Forums, enjoy your stay here. I Will check your maps later.


    Maybe you should see how he treats me on the server then shouldn't  you? 


    always thinking you know shit 
