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About Monster123

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  1. Do you accept the requirements?: Yes,No What is your real name?: David IstratoaieWhat is your in-game name?: [Raid]Cod4How old are you?: 15What is your primary server?: FunWhat is your B3 CID?: @5996What is your Xfire?: daveoff777What is your Skype?: daveoff777What is your Steam?: daveoff777What is your Origin?: noneWhat makes you a good admin?: I will be a good admin because i will not rage at people(only hackers). i Will listen to the people that say other people are hacking and will spectate them to see if they are hacking and if they are kick them. Also being active on the server is pretty important and i usually am.What skills do you have?: I have been using cry engine 3 for a bit and starting to learn how to do some scripting. I have used Google sketch up for about a year now and in school i mostly get B's and occasionally a few C's and A's. What clans/communities/forums have you been at?: haven't been in any clans or communitiesWhy should we choose you?: You guys should choose me because i am really active on the fun server, i will help keep the rules that u have set in place so if someone hacks or whatever i will ban them. i am also a nice guy if you get to know me and i love this server!! Smile best one i have played on cod4!!
  2. congratulation guys
  3. Trumpets by jasom Derulo is one of my fav songs atm
  4. Do you accept the requirements?: Yes What is your real name?: David IstratoaieWhat is your in-game name?: [Raid]Cod4How old are you?: 15What is your primary server?: FunWhat is your B3 CID?: @5996What is your Xfire?: daveoff777What is your Skype?: daveoff777What is your Steam?: daveoff777What is your Origin?: NoneWhat makes you a good admin?: I will be a good admin because i will not rage at people(only hackers). i Will listen to the people that say other people are hacking and will spectate them to see if they are hacking and if they are kick them. Also being active on the server is pretty important and i usually am.What skills do you have?: I have been using cry engine 3 for a bit and starting to learn how to do some scripting. I have used Google sketch up for about a year now and in school i mostly get B's and occasionally a few C's and A's. What clans/communities/forums have you been at?: Never been in a clan so yeah but hopefully i doWhy should we choose you?: You guys should choose me because i am really active on the fun server, i will help keep the rules that u have set in place so if someone hacks or whatever i will ban them. i am also a nice guy if you get to know me and i love this server!! :) best one i have played on cod4!!
  5. 997 Cartons of milk on the wall, 997 cartons of milk, take one down, pass it around 996 bottles of milk on the wall
  6. ive never played the deathmatch but is it good?? if so might try it