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About Down

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  • Birthday 09/27/95

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  • Location
    underwater, the Netherlands.
  • Interests
    Building dams to avoid getting flooded.

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  1. Funniest thing happened today, was trolling around on my smurf and got reported for hacking. Went on my main and thought I'd do an overwatch case and I managed to review myself I lol'd so hard

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. siikdude


      I was thinking the same ^

    3. Down


      Yup, one of my old friends got vac banned for using a bunnyhop script in a private match. Lost alot of wins, so got deranked back to eagle

    4. Tilak


      oh :/ im gonna derank too maybe 2 loss in supreme, solo queing sucks ballz in this level

  2. Love surfing with some music on

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. BlueSeven


      Missed 2 shortcuts on the last map but still good :D

    3. Down


      Mesa is pretty easy regardless :P

    4. BlueSeven
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Tilak


      plus my coworker also got ak 47 hydrophonic fucking unranked lucks

    3. siikdude
    4. Spencer


      omfg i bet that guy almost died inside when he saw it

  3. Enemy team had 3 LEM's en 2 LE's MM at it's best
    1. Show previous comments  18 more
    2. siikdude


      Do you understand the recent vac wavs and ranking lately in the game

    3. Down


      I certainly didnt expect a vac banned 14 year old talk trash

    4. Zack
  4. This is why I love the deagle (sometimes)...

  5. My first gameplay vid lol
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Down


      Actually it was so loud I had to turn it down when I started editing it guess I turned it down to much

    3. Lossy


      Guess so, i had to put max volume on youtube + computer and it still felt too quiet and then when i went on another youtube video it blown my ears away :(

    4. Down


      Maybe that was my intention :o

  6. Hey

    You? Harsh? go back to kindergarten plz
  7. Trust me it is, if this would be real my motherboard would be melting by now. Every program calls it being 80+ yet BIOS says its 47 degrees. I doubt my BIOS would lie.
  8. Note: The temperature is fake, and is not even above 50 degrees.