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Found 1 result

  1. o you accept the requirements?: Yes What is your real name?: Fynn Morton What is your in-game name?: -Fynn- How old are you?: 15 What is your primary server?: Deathrun What is your B3 CID?: @18970 What is your Xfire?: imtagzz What is your Skype?: fynn-boy29 What is your Steam?: 0xFynnx0 What is your Origin?: None What makes you a good admin?: In my opinion what makes me a good admin is that I have been an Admin on other servers never mind that I have owned one! Also I am very nice and helpful to other players, however I can get stressed when they argue and complain! What skills do you have?: I'n my school, Wade Deacon one of the best In the country. I am doing very well right now as I am in the top sets of my Year and Getting alot of A's and B+'s. I am very talented when It comes to computers as I can script make maps on Call of duty 4: and I can learn quickly What clans/communities/forums have you been at?: I have been around a while as I have been part of 7sR 3xP boss'Deathrun and TeamLInex Possibly more but I cant remember Why should we choose you?: You should as I follow rules, Try my best at every task I am given! I have played raid for a while however decided to change my name. And I lost my rank after working on a map my game said Stats have been reset so ye :/ I also play alot as everywhere I go I have a computer with my keycode so I will be very Active, Thanks! Unsure how to make it right sorry :(