Do you accept the requirements?: Yes
What is your real name?: Taye ( People call me Taytay :( )
What is your in-game name?: PC.
How old are you?: 16
What is your primary server?: All of them :> 1. DR 2. Fun 3. CO
What is your B3 CID?: 130 (Obv hax)
What is your Xfire?: propc
What is your Skype?: gods_powers
What is your Steam?: same as xfire
What is your Origin?: same as xfire
What makes you a good admin?: Well I have my own server so obviously I know what its like. I also kick the little cutie hackers (Exotic) on the fun server. I will be helping with the server by providing money for vip when paypal gets it together. I will also be watching the fun server ALOT because I see lots of hackers, namechangers etc.
What skills do you have?: Well I can script a little. Still learing every single day. I will also be trying to start mapping sooner or later or maybe even when I get my new PC. I'm also trying to teach myself .menu cause I'm nub at it atm.
What clans/communities/forums have you been at?: CFGFactory, Raid, TTG, 3xP, Luk, THG xD
Why should we choose you?: You should choose me because I have had admin before on many servers Including 3xP (Sadly). I'm also admin on my own server as said above. I can also be in the servers late watching when admins are not on with a l33t undercover name. I also been a good friend with darmuh for a some time now. I am also ALWAYS on xfire so anyone can contact me quick if they are in need of something. (ex. Hacker). I will demo for atleast 1 minute to get proof for the reason of the ban.
Well thats my app cheers to everyone. :)