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Found 1 result

  1. Hello m8s. Here is my awesome 2 fully working 100% awesome maps I have made in the past. Im doing this because they are maps so if anyone is bored the can play them ;_;. 1st Map: mp_dr_music Map size: Small Traps: Seven traps Difficulty: Easy without traps - medium with traps. Download Link: https://www.mediafir...jrss4hz68b9p231 Screenshots: Second map: mp_dr_raindrops Map size: medium Traps: n/a Difficulty: Easy without traps - medium with traps. Screenshots: n/a Download Link: These maps were made a WHILE ago when I was just starting to get into cod mapping and scripting. Also unfortunately any comments you make about these maps I cannot do anything about them because I have lost the files for them when I was changing my motherboard for my computer so everything is final. //Will be updating this Topic.