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Rotation Question

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I have a question about rotation. I know the different types of rotation (RotateYaw, RotatePitch, and RotateRoll) but what if I wanted to rotate it a diagonal way, like inbetween X and Y?


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I have a question about rotation. I know the different types of rotation (RotateYaw, RotatePitch, and RotateRoll) but what if I wanted to rotate it a diagonal way, like inbetween X and Y?

the function rotateto allows you to rotate an object's yaw, pitch and roll all at once. This is how you would rotate the object diagonally.

From Zeroy's Script Reference:


You can use either script_origins in radiant to define the new angles or type in a new yaw, pitch, and roll.

Examples of each:


	object = getent( "object_targetname", "targetname" );
	origin = getent( "origin_targetname", "targetname" );
	object rotateto( origin.angles, 5, 1, 3 ); 
	/* The object rotates to the origin's angles over the time period of 5 seconds with an acceleration time of 1 and deceleration time of 3 */
	object waittill( "rotatedone" );

Example 2()
	object = getent( "object_targetname", "targetname" );
	object rotateto( (20, 120, 240), 5, 1, 3 );
	/* The object rotates to the angles specified over the time period of 5 seconds with an acceleration time of 1 and deceleration time of 3 */
	object waittill( "rotatedone" );

Excuse any mistakes above I haven't tried scripting in forever


You can also get your object's angles in the function and simply add to those angles like so:

	object = getent( "object_targetname", "targetname" );
	oldang = object.angles;
	object rotateto( oldang+(50,50,50), 5, 1, 3 );
	/* The object rotates to the old angles plus 50 each over the time period of 5 seconds with an acceleration time of 1 and deceleration time of 3 */
	object waittill( "rotatedone" );
The above could best be used in a loop that has a designated ending. [eg: for(i=0;i<10;i++)]

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