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Multiplayer map goes to stock map when loading

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So basically whenever I try to load my test multiplayer map it says its loading on it then it loads onto a stock map. I have all the files where they need to be and the script for it and I dont know why its doing this. Please reply back with a helpful answer. Thanks.


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Incorrect spawns for gametype or not loading the mod correct gametype


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Incorrect spawns for gametype or not loading the mod correct gametype

Should I add all of the spawn then? How do I know what mod im supposed to be on? Its just going to be a regular multiplayer map


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Use the modwarfare mod, then add TDM/SPECTATOR spawns.


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Use the modwarfare mod, then add TDM/SPECTATOR spawns.

I did everything you said and its still going to stock maps


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in compile tools use custom command line:


+set developer 1 + set developer_script 1+set fs_game mods\<mod> +g_gametype <gametype> +map mp_<mapname>


make sure ya haf the required spawns for the gametype. for example:


g_gametype war (its not "tdm"):

  • mp_tdm_spawn 
  • mp_tdm_spawn_allies_start
  • mp_tdm_spawn_axis_start
  • global_intermission

ya can see the spawns n stuff in the gametype's .gsc


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in compile tools use custom command line:


+set developer 1 + set developer_script 1+set fs_game mods\<mod> +g_gametype <gametype> +map mp_<mapname>


make sure ya haf the required spawns for the gametype. for example:


g_gametype war (its not "tdm"):

  • mp_tdm_spawn 
  • mp_tdm_spawn_allies_start
  • mp_tdm_spawn_axis_start
  • global_intermission

ya can see the spawns n stuff in the gametype's .gsc

Ok, so I changed the gametype to go into Search and Destroy and I added in the correct Search and Destroy spawns and when I launch the map it goes to Team Deathmatch then it goes to Search and Destroy then it loads to a stock map :/.


Here's the line im using: +set developer 1 +set developer_script 1 +set fs_game mods\modwarfare +g_gametype sd +map mp_test1


Also what is the line to use so It disables punkbuster? Whenever I launch the game it says "Unable to initialize punkbuster" or something like that


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try make an empty folder in your mods folder and use it as the mod when you launch the map.


to disable punkbuster, click the start new server in the main menu and set punkbuster off in the settings (dunno if ya have to launch the game once for the settings to be saved).


ya can also try +set cl_punkbuster 0 and +pb_sv_disable but no guarantee it will work since pb is an external .dll and is not loaded immediately?


do ya have the map scripts in the right place? anything in missingassets.csv? 


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If you're trying to open up the map in search and destroy you need to have the bomsites as well as the bomb itself :dave:


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Just use Team-Deathmatch ( "war" ) as standard gametype if you're just testing the map, unless you're almost done with it. And as Troll said, you need to add everything to the map which is needed by the gametype, or else it won't work correct.


If that doesn't work, then start the map and check the console output.


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did ya compile .bsp? :dave: then compile reflections, build .ff and then run map


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did ya compile .bsp? :dave: then compile reflections, build .ff and then run map

No need to compile reflections yet for this guy, he hasn't even got a reflection probe in the map, it will just give him rainbow colours :dave:


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This is just a test map. I just want to get things working before I start on something real.


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did ya compile .bsp? :dave: then compile reflections, build .ff and then run map

Yes, I did all of this except for the reflections as I dont need to


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No, it would give him red colours, rainbow if you don't have a lightgrid :)

That one


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