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Form Submission: Admin Applications

18 posts in this topic

Do you accept the requirements?: Yes

What is your real name?: Ben Istratoaie
What is your in-game name?: BigB
How old are you?: 19
What is your primary server?: Fun
What is your B3 CID?: @425
What is your Xfire?: bistratoaie
What is your Skype?: bistratoaie1
What is your Steam?: None
What is your Origin?: bistratoaie
What makes you a good admin?: I want everyone to have a fair game without any cheaters. I make this a daily passion of mine as I play the Raid servers. I've seen a lot of unfair gameplay against new users of simply inexperienced users and I find it really irritating and upsetting that they don't get a fair chance to play on the server because someone is cheating. I thoroughly enjoy playing on the Raid servers as they are one of my favourite! I'm on them almost everyday and they are highly enjoyable. In saying this, I can be on to spectate to make sure people have a fair game and are having an enjoyable experience. I can dedicate hours of my personal time, helping others if they need it or simply spectating the servers overall.
What skills do you have?: - ArchiCAD

- Revit

- Google Sketchup

- CryEngine

What clans/communities/forums have you been at?: None
Why should we choose you?: I am dedicated to helping other players if they need it or just simply removing players if they are cheating and not playing a fair game. I will listen to reason and I ask questions first rather than shoot first and then ask questions later. I listen to both sides of a story and can apply a reasonable verdict to the situation. I can and will spend my personal time on the Raid servers to play and also to give advice and ban cheaters. I exercise these points to be a strong part of me being an Admin.

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Very nice application, i'm jealous that it's better than mines ;-; But good luck! You seem to be a very respectful person.


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Good luck BigB! hueuhe I love saying that name in my head


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Woah, approaching 2k views? Wow :o Makes my application look so insignificant and not worth :dave:


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Uh' date=' wonder why this application has so many views....


Most likely some one tried to ddos on this part of the forum or bots just like going to this topic


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Uh' date=' wonder why this application has so many views....


Most likely some one tried to ddos on this part of the forum or bots just like going to this topic

Sounds likely


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bump @lossy/thomas



@BigB if you're still interested i'd love to hear from you in the teamspeak.




Hasn't played since March 1st, also guid looks like either a failed authorization or cracked key. Judging by the connections count I assume it is a cracked key.


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BigB if you can message me before the 15th of april that would be great otherwise your application will be declined.


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