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Quitting CoD4 (And one year anniversary)

17 posts in this topic

Hello everyone, this is my one year anniversary, and leaving of the game itself:


Call of Duty has become a massive part of my life for the past two years, I've met new people by going onto the internet, I'd like to think I'm friends with everyone here, and sorry to depart. and resign from Admin, I've also learnt many new things, like Menu Scripting (Going to carry on) Making some class websites' and becoming a decent deathrunner'


Aside from me learning new things, I've also become an admin with my time here, and loved it, I've become friends with people who I wouldn't of if I weren't admin, such as other admins, and the community managers, as well as other amazing people!


Sorry to depart at a time like this, but there's nothing to keep me playing anymore, I'll still be quite active on the forums, dropping in once or twice every day, due to it being my daily thing.


And back onto a high note, it's my one year anniversary! I'm glad to have been at this community for so long, it's amazing! 


A fellow Blurian,




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Sad to see you leaving as well


Adios nub, wish you the best of luck in life


Less and less nubs as weeks go by :okay:


Happy one year anniversary by the way, nubzor


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Butbutbutbut nooooo cloudy :'(

I know we've had our ups and downs from when I met you on Blur over a year and a half ago, its been quite the journey for both of us! I feel like I've watched you mature a lot since we first met; all in all, you're a nice guy and its truly sad to see you leave.

I wish you the best of luck with whichever road you go down in life, good bye.


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Mmmmmmmmeh. Sad to see you going!


We've had a lot of fun, thanks! I hope you're going to have fun with "that what's coming".


Welcome to the green team, sadly the team is rapidly growing.


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Deathrun community lost one of the most pro players.
Good luck in your future life.


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cu cledi, always had good BANTA on the server ;)


Sad to see u go m8 but have fun, ull be back




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I'll miss you all! <3 Thanks for the kind words, if you wish to play any other game with me just hit me up on my Origin - TheUnknownCloud / Steam - cledi / Xfire - cloudy197 / Skype - matthewkemp18 


Thanks for all the lovely memories which i'll keep with me forever!


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