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Give weapon by trigger script?

7 posts in this topic

I have this code for giving a weapon:

trig = getEnt( "special_trig","targetname"); 
trig waittill ("trigger", player); 
 player GiveWeapon( "deserteagle_mp" ); 
 player giveMaxAmmo( "deserteagle_mp" );  


Whenever I press USE my CoD4 freezes for 2 seconds and then I get the weapon. Can someone help me? I want so it would give me a weapon without freezing my game like in the map coyote. Thank you :D !


(Question off topic: I can't see my hintstrings anymore. Like the text that appears when I write in the Entity window. I remember I was messing with stuff in the console to fix lag. Is there a command or something for that?  ,aybe I turned off something?)


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Are you using trigger_use? 


Are there any errors?

I am suing trigger_use_touch


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Because of the while(1) loop

But how do I do so that I can still get the weapon if I die? Becasue if I die I can't get the weapon again...


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move dis "trig waittill ("trigger", player);" to the start of the loop and you're fine


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trig = getEnt( "special_trig", "targetname" );



trig waittill( "trigger", player );

player giveWeapon( "deserteagle_mp" );

player giveMaxAmmo( "deserteagle_mp" );

player switchToWeapon( "deserteagle_mp" );




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