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Script help

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How do I move 3 brushes at the same time? Not like on after another but so when I activate the trigger all 3 brushes would rotateYaw?

Thank you :D


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You would make the brushes and then select all the brushes that you want to rotate and give them the same targetname/value.


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You would make the brushes and then select all the brushes that you want to rotate and give them the same targetname/value.

No. I have 3 brushes with 3 different targetnames. I want each and one of them rotate at the same time when a trigger is activated. I don't want them to rotate as one brush :D


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Ah my bad I misunderstood. You can do something as simple as this: 

     trigger = getEnt("trigger","targetname"); 
     brush1 = getEnt("brush1","targetname");
     brush2 = getEnt("brush2","targetname");
     brush3 = getEnt("brush3","targetname");
     trigger waittill("trigger");
     trigger delete();
        brush1 rotateYaw(360,1);
        brush2 rotateYaw(360,1);
        brush3 rotateYaw(360,1);
        wait 1;

So brush1, brush2, and brush3 would be the 3 brushes with the 3 different targetnames. Was this something you were looking for? 


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Give them all the same targetname, define them in an array, boom easy.

	brush = GetEntArray("brushname","targetname");
	for( index = 0 ; index < brush.size ; index++ )
		// Put a while loop here if you want it to loop
		brush[index] RotateYaw(360,5);

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