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Battle of Los Angeles :horror:

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My beautiful city is burning down! (burning down, burning down!) Since Friday, a fire so ferocious it is STILL going on today, has been tearing through the mountains surrounding the valley I and many thousands of other people live. The reason I'm telling you this... I got some pics! Oh yeah, when I arrived home today (Monday) and opened my bedroom doors... aha, to say I got a surprise is a fiery understatement ;)

BUT! I know pics are exciting so calm your dog's titties because... they were taken on my Tablet :/ Ahhhhh, "BORING" you might say? Well, I could say why don't you forget about the pic quality and start thinking about the poor animals that are suffering across a nature reserve spanning 100km!! Or start worrying about the brave firefighters who have been up 4 days straight fighting for me and my family (we can see the lights flashing alongside the steep mountain)

Anyhoo, enough waffling... here are some pics I took from my balcony:

Potential wallpaper, I dunno but it almost reminds me of Battle of Los Angeles :P a8373013e6c30d8ff5f38a8328ef13c6.jpg



You can see the Heli with a water bucket, or the proper name "Bambibucket" ^^1bab5a664e42d8d7604c6f25db4c0935.png


About 5 minutes ago8c38f744cbfdeb7d6a65cac8671d40a0.png

[For some reason the first 3 gyazos flipped shit with the img= thingy so... :S]

In all seriousness, we will be taking part in something known as drop-offs tomorror, where you take some supplies to a local Fire Station to help the resting Firefighters. The least I could do! :D

Pardon me for this post... bit odd you may be thinking. I couldn't agree more, probably all the fumes gone to my head :okay:


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That's pretty damn cool! Quite fascinating actually, glad to see you sharing it with us C:


And for the image thing, I usually use


So I gyazo the image, then upload that gyazo to imgur, because then it doesn't give me any problems whatsoever, although it does take an extra couple of minutes, you probably save that in the hassle of they gyazo images anyway.


But I'm truly fascinated by this, and would like to see more!


(Double Spacing for Anti :3)


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I thought you were south african? What is this Los Angeles crap! YOU LIAR.


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I thought you were south african? What is this Los Angeles crap! YOU LIAR.

He's comparing what's happening in SA to the movie Battle: Los Angeles ya doofus.



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Is bear still alive? :dave: :troll:

Off topic much?


Anyways hope everyone is ok there! And does it make me a phsychopath for thinking that this destruction is beautiful (not the legitimate destruction and suffering).


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Shit got real today... came back from school (after the hottest day in 100 years according to news ) and saw the apocalypse was upon me.


From this:



To this:



Thought this was a nice snap too:



Anyways hope everyone is ok there! And does it make me a phsychopath for thinking that this destruction is beautiful (not the legitimate destruction and suffering).


Not at all xD Although I have sympathy for all the animals and humans losing their homes, I couldn't help but find myself in awe of such an unforgiving power. It literally traversed 5 mountains or something, burning EVERYTHING in it's path (as fire tends to do lol) FIRE!!!!  :dave: 


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