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Learn how to program for $10 - Normally $800

19 posts in this topic

As I know from you guys, you are interested in programming. I find this course amazing for the Price since many of you want to learn how to program. This $800 dollar course Teaches in HTML, CSS, Python, Java, JavaScript, iOS, OSX, Php, MySQL and More.

You name your price that goes to your choice Of a charity (Creative commons, world wildlife, Children's play). You first make an account using this refer id - if you would please, then click register. Last you buy using and checkout, redeeming the code at use udemy. Sale ends in 23 hours, don't Miss out!


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List of people who complain and ask about programming - Infinite

List of people who find things on their own - Handful

Love how BraXi has to complain for something she doesn't need, this is for people starting and wants something more visual and how you pop out of nowhere to insult me :no:. This is just a place to get started and interested in programming, not so you can completely learn all the languages in a week. People asked where to start, and this isn't a bad place to start at all. This is an online course that is hard to beat for the price.


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You are all a bunch of nubs i'm obviously the best at coding here :troll:


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If you want to get started with programming take a real class. Online classes only work if you're motivated enough and most people motivated enough can find the information for free online. This isn't an insult to you thomas it's just a word of advice for people who are stingy with their money.

And by real class, I mean a class at your local college or if you're still in highschool find a programming elective.

btw gabe pls stahp ur not funny m8


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Agreed, it's just a nice resource if you want to learn the basics.


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Not possible unfortunately, but I you should be able to share accounts without problems.


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no i just want to download the lectures so ican listen to them without wifi etc.

i bought the course.


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Turns out there's another 13 days if you want to buy it :dave:, they extended it because it was popular


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Well I don't have a Mac so. Gabe I can gift you the osx coding one I think.


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if i were you i would donate it to loki as he wokrs for apple.. :p but thanks for offering


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Well i don't pay because in "France" we have our own website where we can learn somes language :) Called " Le site du zéro" :)

For free :yay: .



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@Grezwal, burn this OSX guide, nobody except Apple likes Objective-C.

Who wants to pay when you have this (aka. tell me the name of function and i'll show you how it works) SHAAADERS, AMAZ1NG, MUCH PIXELS, WOW!, this website may crash wooden PCs :dave: - Best resource ever, all you need is in there. :dave:

PS. tutorials will not teach you if you are lazy fuc*er and are blindly following whats written in tuts.


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well, its kind of like the online classes i can take at my school if you miss a lectuure you can go back to it. you can lso ask questions in the class.

ALSO, if you complete the course and show what you did in the course you can get credit for it on a college application. (i think) but i do know you get a paper saying you completed the course.


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