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Who Hates Me?

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So i see alot of the hate towards me in this community has not gone, list below who hates me, and who likes me, GO!


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posting shit like this is why people would not like you



PS: If you notice that people don't like you don't focus on who doesn't like you but why.


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i hate it when you have to make useless topics where it's all about you, like this one feels like i've gone back 3 years and hopped onto 7sr where you made some stupid topic about having loads of diseases and shit



Want people stop hating you? then stop acting stupid all the time and learn to ignore them. You might think i'm popular but you'd surprise how many people dislike me but i decide to ignore them because of the reasons they hate me, if they hate me because of something I did stupid/wrong i'll try to improve from that experiance.


@@Pixel, it's pretty obvious where he got the impression from, no need to be like "Nah dunno what you're talking about", otherwise he won't change. Also first thing he does when he gets unbanned from forums is asks if people are alright with him then goes "im going to quit COD4" then 10 mins later he's like "okay guys i'm not qutting cod4" as if he's some popular guy that everyone loves and to be honest, it gets on everyone nervous and it's not just that. (sorry if you don't actually know what he's talking about it)



Just focus on your actions and see why people hate you, go back to old threads and see why people dislike you and see what you put and maybe you'll see a reason why people hate you. But I'm not saying everyone hates you for a reason, most people just follow sheep and hate you because his friend does and don't know exactly why he hates you.



tl;dr stop thinking everyone and everythink evolves around you, look at your own actions and think why they hate you and try to improve from that behavour if it's stupid/silly/bad etc... and try to ignore them and focus on postive things and improvement


P.S this was one of the reasons why i banned your account the first time.


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Closing this topic, it's absolutely not needed. If you have issues with people the way to sort it out is through a private message or similar methods, please do not post topics that may provoke people or make people argue with you publicly on these forums. 


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