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Form Submission: Admin Applications

13 posts in this topic

Do you accept the requirements?: Yes

What is your real name?: Dillon
What is your in-game name?: Loki
How old are you?: 20
What is your primary server?: Deathrun
What is your B3 CID?: @5336
What is your Xfire?: me2151
What is your Steam?: me21512
What is your Origin?: Loki2151
What makes you a good admin?: Have multiple years of admin experience(3 years admin + 1 year co owner of a clan). Im good at enforcing the rules and knowing when to stop a fight.
What skills do you have?: Not sure if this is relevant but I'm REALLY good at getting girls to send me nude pics. Im an apple tech so i have alot of knowledge in fixing iphones, ipods and ipads.
What clans/communities/forums have you been at?: S.O.S, DSA, DEA, KOS, Rv, FISH
Why should we choose you?: Im 20, not only am I older but I am more mature than most of the members in this group. Pretty much every RAID admin knows me by either name or by, well, knowing me. :P I am currently a Admin for FISH as well as the server hoster.

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Brace yourselves

The FISH applications are coming...

Anyways, very mature player and lord of evil laughs

Don't see him on deathrun/fun server that often though :c

Good luck


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Loki.. The guy who always makes Mom jokes :'c

Anyway still a cool guy and seems pretty mature.

Good Luck :dave:


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Who's Loki? How do I obtain this, "Loki"? hehehe Anyways, He's a cool dude, he's bully's me though ;__;


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My mum used to tell me don't say anything at all if you have nothing nice to say

So i'm saying nothing :troll:


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It feels wrong not to say this.


He seems to be everyone's friend, but he definitely bullied someone on raid teamspeak at least once, calling them squeaker, completely dismissing what they were saying and cutting them off.


That's really the only time I have seen/heard him, so I can't say that he would be good for admin in my opinion :|



Just wanted to make it known, not cause a war.


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Hello loki, i'm sorry to tell you but we're going to have to reject your application, you aren't active enough on our servers and we need active admins you may re-apply when you're more active on the servers and have more than 100 connections.


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