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Downvote king BosnianArmy's apply

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Hello there!
I know what you're thinking here! oh wait, why would he apply for being a trial mod? well lets see ^^
Admin applications:


-Do you accept the requirements?: Yes and No, you will see the reason here below
-What is your real name?: Enes
-What is your in-game name?: BosnianArmy or #FNRP#Bosnian
-How old are you?: 17, 18 in june
-What is your primary server?: Deathrun, altough I don't play much cod4 anymore, but I will be active if it's needed
-What is your B3 CID?: 685
-What is your Xfire?: bosnischerambo (I'm near to not much anymore at xfire)
-What is your Steam?: BosnianArmy
-What makes you a good admin?: What me makes a good admin? Well, since I'm trial moderator at Codscript and I was senior admin level 60 at FNRP I know how to deal with little hackers and kids in and out the server.
I know I have a bad reputation at Raid community in the past but that doesn't mean it needs to stick with me the past and why I'm saying this? because I'm changed in more mature adult version person. But anyways, what me also makes me a good admin is that I'm nice to people, honest, don't talk behind the people's back (bad things) since I got bullied alot in the past I don't like that at all!, I'm good at teamwork and good being in active :P
You can see my online status at my profile, it says rightnow *Time Online: 52days, 11hours, 51minutes, 51seconds* 
-What skills do you have?: I can script standard traps in a map, I can make maps in Radiant, I have ICT skills for knowing hardware (not very advanced but better then average, also for being sexy :dave: (not good at making jokes :okay:), being active xd and I don't know more right now.
-What clans/communities/forums have you been at?: Luk-servers, FNRP-servers, Raid and Codscript (I'm still at FNRP).
-Why should we choose you?: Why? because I'm the downvote king, naw jking. In seriousness, because I want to show to people that I can moderate as well and that I got the skills for it, and that I can show I can be mature, and of course I'm active at forums daily but not that much at COD4 but if I need to be active at COD4 again then I will try (I can't promise to be active at COD4 since I am doing 40 hours of Internship per week, only 1 month left for that and the rest school for final exams).
So any more questions are welcome in this thread, I hope you people will accept me as a trial moderator.


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-Do you accept the requirements?: Yes and No, you will see the reason here below



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Wait, you barely play and even admit to barely playing, yet you're still applying? You should be an active player before applying, not become active if you would get admin.


Either way, good luck bosnipoo.


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Wait, you barely play and even admit to barely playing, yet you're still applying? You should be an active player before applying, not become active if you would get admin.







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read the requirements :facepalm:


at least -400 rep needed to even apply to be declined :angryarnold:


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Denied due to reasons below (Nubsy)

Not meeting all requirements


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Keep in mind his b3 id is tilak old one, tilak gave him a cd key and according to gametracker bosnian only had around 4 hours ingame... 


According to his old b3 id he had 68 connections, b3 id was 372


dunno how he passes requirements :/


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Keep in mind his b3 id is tilak old one, tilak gave him a cd key and according to gametracker bosnian only had around 4 hours ingame... 


According to his old b3 id he had 68 connections, b3 id was 372


dunno how he passes requirements :/


I even forgot that I got tilak's one lol


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