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Loki's Admin application

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Admin applications: Do you accept the requirements?: Yes

What is your real name?: Dillon Brosche

What is your in-game name?: Loki

How old are you?: 21

What is your primary server?: Deathrun/Fun, Teamspeak

What is your B3 CID?: 5336

What is your Xfire?: Me2151

What is your Steam?: Can find me with demon2151

What makes you a good admin?: Have multiple years in admining and running clans. I know how to spot hacks and know when to tell when someone is scrolling(looking at you Anti :imtroll:)

What skills do you have?: Business management, Clan management, B3 Admin skills, RCON admin skills, killing skills :D Computer tech skills

What clans/communities/forums have you been at?: S.O.S, SoU, SoTF, KoS, Rv, FISH

Why should we choose you?: Have atleast 4 years of admin experience under my belt plus another year of co-owning a clan(S.O.S), Almost everyone knows me and I have work experience in management and business managment


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now I want to hear his laugh as well :c, anyways good luck :)


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has a pretty godlike laugh please accept him

good luck loki


Not as godlike as Anti's C:


Anyway, good luck Loki!


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Holy damn Loki you finally applied! Give this man admin please he deserves it!

Great with people, great with the servers and just all around a great friend.

Good luck mein Loki c:


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Bumping your application won't get you accepted since lead admins+ vote on the app but they normally have a long dicussion before voting and constantly bumping your topic can cause you to lose a "yes" vote. :davesir:


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