
JWofles' App de le Cation

19 posts in this topic

Do you accept the requirements?: Yes.

What is your real name?: Henry.

What is your in-game name?: JWofles.

How old are you?: 17.

What is your primary server?: Deathrun.

What is your B3 CID?: @8981.

What is your Xfire?: JWofles5.

What is your Steam?: JWofle/JWofles.

What makes you a good admin?: I believe I am a good admin because I had some experience but I am a quick learner and I can pick these up quite quickly. I know the basics of B3 and I've seen what it takes for warns, bans etc so I think I have a good grasp of how to be an admin. Also, I've been around admins many times so I know how an admin should act, talk to people, handle situations etc. Another thing I have which makes me a good candidate is the fact that I can choose to be mature and serious even if you have seen me in the past being unmature. I reflect back on the moments where I don't act properly so I believe at the moment I can handle the responsibility even if you have seen different from me.

What skills do you have?: The main skills I have are mapping and editing. These skills mean that I can make Raid-only maps and if they're good they could potentially bring in more players (or maybe if I add a good secret :P) and then for editing, I can help to make a Raid YouTube channel or help with Raid if they need to make any videos or trailers etc. Then, on top of that, I have a good general knowledge which means I can help people with their questions and I can help them with their maps and all that kind of stuff. Lastly, believe it or not, I can be funny and one of the most important things for an admin is not only to be good at banning or whatever, but they also have to have good social skills and good communication with the players. While I may go over the line (everyone does), I make jokes, I'm friendly, I try and be kind and this makes me an ideal person as an admin since you can't have a server without the players and if all the admins on the server are rude or not good socially, there won't be any players.

What clans/communities/forums have you been at?: I have been at AfterLife which many of the people in this community have been in, there I've had experience in being a moderator on cod4 briefly before the server went down and also I was a vmod for quite a long time on GMod. I never had my vmod taken away or questioned however, I volunteered to give it away only because there was little to do and the community is basically dead. Also, ages ago I got moderator I got moderator on a Minecraft server but.. that was a long time ago (let's not talk about it XD).

Why should we choose you?: You should choose me because I am very capable of handling rule breakers and there are many other things I can do. As well as this, I am friends with most admins and I know a lot of the people in this community really well and I have also spoken to a majority of the regular-ish players on the server. I might have my statuses disabled due to spam, I might be hated by a few people, I might be a lot of things but I can tell you I regret everything bad I do after it happens. If you think about it, it's actually a good thing because it's makes me much more self-aware which overall makes me less of a jerk and know when I go over the line. In addition, the bad qualities about me can be changed and therefore the small things I've done dont matter, it's the same with everyone because we all have imperfections... Even Anti! Though, getting to the point, I am dedicated and consistent. I mean, for Christ's sake I've been in aL for 2 years putting up with its slow painful death and I can feel it's going to be the same for Raid (not the death part, the sticking around part). When I came, I knew I was going to stay, especially when everyone is so nice and the servers are great etc. And, if I'm going to be here for a long time, I may as well help Raid out the best so I and everyone can have the best experience possible. Oh and I also want to add, I'm active on Steam/Xfire/Teamspeak nearly every day which means I'm always available to help anyone with whatever they need.


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Good luck!


Always a pleasure in-game and out (xfire etc)


Deserves the prestigious Admin role! 


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Vouch for this user!


Oh, you're not selling yourself? Shit! (I'd sell my house for you)


Hah, anyways, my good ol' buddy since I know him. He's one of the best people I've ever met online.

I speak with him quite often and once GTA V is available, I guess no day passes without even thinking about the fun we have and had on GTA V PS3.

We'll definitely (yes, I will buy it for sure, don't worry!) play GTA V together, including your & my mic. Can't wait boy!


So eh, enough about our friendship, he's a great guy to talk with, loves Taylor Swift, has a great taste of music and he's funny. 


I'd make him admin without even thinking about it, but yeah I'm not in charge.


Fella, I hope you'll become an admin since you're an awesome dude.

Good luck and see you soon, sir JWofles.                           JWOFLES FOR COMMUNITY MANAGER!






Oh yeah, fuck you @



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(removed to not waste space)

Headdy :wub:

You're too kind, thanks so much for the kind words, I'll pay you back later ;)


And thank you very much to everyone else, it's much appreciated c:


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bae  :wub:


good luck ofc


/yes - although he is a TOP NUB!


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has a great taste of music

Need I say more? Certainly no need for good luck ^^

Good luck cuntfag :davewub:


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In my honest opinion you're too emotionally unstable to handle being an admin. But hey, i'm not an admin anymore so my opinion means jack shit now.



Good luck, but you won't really need it. Judging by the posts here you'll prob be accepted anyway.


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In my honest opinion you're too emotionally unstable to handle being an admin. But hey, i'm not an admin anymore so my opinion means jack shit now.



Good luck, but you won't really need it. Judging by the posts here you'll prob be accepted anyway.

couldn't agree more buddy.


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Thanks everyone c:


Good luck, but you won't really need it. Judging by the posts here you'll prob be accepted anyway.

I beg to differ + your opinion matters as much as anyone else's.

Anyway, I won't say anything more to avoid starting something.. 


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