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Sweg.'s Admin Application

14 posts in this topic

Do you accept the requirements?: Yes.
What is your real name?: David Hill
What is your in-game name?: Sweg.
How old are you?: 17
What is your primary server?: Raid Deathrun
What is your B3 CID?: @25079 thank you deadecho :D
What is your Xfire?: lotsofsweg
What is your Steam?: Dirty Dave
What makes you a good admin?: I am respectful, caring, mature, nice, and can be forceful and stern when the time calls for it.
What skills do you have?: My skills include basic GSC scripting, basic Cod4 mod tools skills, I can make a mean grilled egg sandwich, and I can problem solve quite well.
What clans/communities/forums have you been at?: I have been apart of various clans in CoD4 including VC', TwS', BwR|, [Void], Pure, CodScript, and of course Raid Gaming.
Why should we choose you?: You should choose me because I have previous knowledge of the rules, gameplay, and mechanics of the game. I am easy to contact and am usually on Steam, Teamspeak, or forums through out the day. Also I can be counted on and usually (dependent on the issue) resolve a conflict with maturity. I also am a quite easy going guy so members wont have a hard time getting along with me. With that said, although i may be nice, I know where to draw the line between offensive and playful, also i know when to take action when it is needed, whether that be a player breaking rules or a player having unruly behavior.
Thank you for taking the time to read my application.


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You called Raid a clan. :horror: Insta-denial. :troll:

Good luck swigedisweg. :D


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My Sweggy boy finally applied<3

Active, kind, admin material ;) Good luck man!


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King of the nubzors


He's nice, active, a nice guy, tries to enforce rules when people are abusing them


Like JWofles said, admin material ;)


Good luck 


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Good luck Sweg :) I only know you from like the two times we've spoken in Teamspeak, but you're a great guy - I am sure you will be a good admin if accepted xD


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good luck;


although you have a lack of admin experience you are still active on the servers.

Also more forum activity would be noice :3


- Purity


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