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Quantum's Admin App

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Admin applications: Do you accept the requirements?:Yes

What is your real name?: James Stansfield

What is your in-game name?: Quantum/GrapesLil

How old are you?: 15(16 on January 14th)

What is your primary server?: Raid Deathrun/CJ/Combined Ops

What is your B3 CID?: @251

What is your Xfire?: grapeslil

What is your Steam?: RaidQuantum

What makes you a good admin?: I'm mature, and I'd like to help out on Raid's servers as I consider myself to be quite active (930.32 hours, including both names: GrapesLil and Quantum), also I've been playing Raid deathrun for nearly a year and a half now if I'm not mistaken, and I've never broken a rule as far as I'm aware of... And I certainly don't wish on breaking any rules in the future. I'm a well known, active player on Raid and have made many friends over the year and a half I've been playing Raid deathrun. I'm a fast learner, not to mention I've also had a slight experience in being an admin on two servers: RvS and Quantum. (Had a server named after me because I'm a nub like that :P)

What skills do you have?: I'm friendly and positive towards others. I'm mature in many situations including dealing with players causing mischief, being dis-respectful towards other members/admins and most certainly immature behaviour.

What clans/communities/forums have you been at?: Raid and Styx. I play Raid until I'm bored. Then move onto Styx until I get bored, then I come back to Raid. :P

Why should we choose you?: You should choose me because I've been playing Raid for over a year and a half now, I've spent more hours on the server out of everyone who has played Raid deathrun. I have become friends with most of the Raid community including members and admins who play Raid. I've become a decent deathrun player, nearly as good as Cloudy. :> I can also remain calm and don't lose my temper very quickly, if I'm going to lose patience or lose my temper as so, I'll either leave or just keep my behaviour to myself before I do anything I regret...


That's about it... Thanks for taking your time to read my admin application and I hope you can put it into consideration, thanks again. :]


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One of the first people I met on DR when I started playing. :> Very friendly and mature player, good luck nub! :)


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Was very active, not as active as you were doe :3 Forum activity is also low :3


Bad note: I always get confused between Quantum and Grapes (although im sure you are the same person yes?) if so, you were banned multiple times (or warned/kicked) for racism, insulting, spamming etc. - Not exactly something a "mature" person would do or someone who Raid would want to be as an  Admin.


Good note: skilled player, quiet but enjoys some banter with players - community likes and i think you could learn!


Good luck though m8, no harsh feelings just stating my points 




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Bad note: I always get confused between Quantum and Grapes (although im sure you are the same person yes?) if so, you were banned multiple times (or warned/kicked) for racism, insulting, spamming etc. - Not exactly something a "mature" person would do or someone who Raid would want to be as an  Admin.

You sure you're not confusing GrapesLil for GrapesFTW?


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You sure you're not confusing GrapesLil for GrapesFTW?


im not sure, if an other admin (anti / troll) could do a check up then it would solve it :3


Again, good luck.


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I'm quite sure I haven't been banned on Raid, Purity. ;/ I may have been warned once or twice, but never banned. But thanks bud :>


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I'm quite sure I haven't been banned on Raid, Purity. ;/ I may have been warned once or twice, but never banned. But thanks bud :>


This might be a huge cock-up and be the other Grapes that got in trouble, if so im sorry and i recommend u :3


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That's alright mate, that's exactly the reason I changed my in-game name to Quantum. I got mixed up with GrapesFTW far too much, but np, thanks you nub :]


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Great guy, recommended from me


He's a lot of fun in-game and is a top notch nub.


Good luck buddy


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Purity... l2 admin pls.

Anyways no that was me that was banned multiple times and whatnot :D Anyways GrapesLil is a very mature and responsible, i believe he would make a good admin ;] Good luck buddy !


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Goodluck nub, could have given me your l33t speed hax to defeat anti, so i could have become superior to him  :troll:


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Good luck Quantum ^^  


I would like to say more stuff so that this reply isn't just a simple "GOOD LUCK XDDDDDDD", but without giving away what I would be saying in the voting topic, I can't say much... 


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Yea he is very good guy, + from me.
And I started to get tired of word "nub", really, how can you call him nub. Kinda annoying


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Yea he is very good guy, + from me.

And I started to get tired of word "nub", really, how can you call him nub. Kinda annoying

The real question you seek is how can you not refer to someone as nub? It's an universal term in which explains and elaborates on many traits that the individual being addressed posses. A coming of age word that assists with the mystery of life of moving from children to adulthood. Without this rather special word, many of the things we have came to love and know today wouldn't be. In ancient times where caveman existed, fire wouldn't have been invented if they didn't call those that couldn't strike sticks together hard enough Ñūbs. Due to this motivation and primitive effort, we began cooking food and having warmth. Since Romans called those that couldn't do 360 no philosophies nubs, some of the greatest literature and art work was made. Because Egyptians called those that were building the pyramids nubs, the peasants completed them and wrecked the pharaoh. All because of Christopher Columbus calling Spain's old King and Queen nubs, he earned their respectful and money to travel and eventually discover 'Murica by accident. In addition, since DJ president wanted to open trade with china and other nations, by calling them nubs he got a sphere of influence. To this day, nub remains a historical term that defines many generations throughout the ages. It's a sign of hope when Superman's S had it written underneath by his father. Its a sign of emotional struggle such as when Luke called Dark Vader a nub while contemplating why did the mini-bear don't repopulate. It's a sign of love that never dies, such as when that one Indian man married a parrot and engraved nub on their wedding ring. It's the light in the dark that helps many indenting themselves from others and build upon their unique personalities. Nub has and always will be a word of: courage, determination, prosperity, love, and hope. By calling someone a nub, you're showing your respect. A more understandable example is when The Hunger Games stole nub and replaced it with that weird three hippy finger thing. Hopefully now you and others are aware

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Sorry, I wil not read that all, probably trolling?


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Sorry, I wil not read that all, probably trolling?

As if would be anything else? ;)


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