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Decipher This?

6 posts in this topic

Hey everyone,
I just finished making an program that can encrypt messages I enter into them, however I am not sure how secure/powerful it is so I thought I'd encrypt something and post it here to see if anyone can decrypt it.
Here's the encrypted message:


Good luck everyone :)

Lossy and Waffles I know you both have the program needed to decrypt so no cheating!


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Eh how is anyone suppose to know without decryption programs. i barely know morse code but his what is this lol.


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You haven't given much encrypted text to find out.  30 characters could be anything, and you could have used a one-time pad, which is unsolvable.  What algorithm did you use to encrypt it?


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Not home at the moment, it's an algorithm I wrote in python a few days ago. When I'm home I'll encrypt a whole paragraph if that would help :dumb:


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Not home at the moment, it's an algorithm I wrote in python a few days ago. When I'm home I'll encrypt a whole paragraph if that would help :dumb:






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