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VIP Trial

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Sorry but if we gave everyone trials for 30 days then people would never donate and we'd end up like WinRAR, constantly reminding people that the service isn't free and that to stay alive we need donations, but be blatantly ignored.


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Also, it would be hard/a pain for the admins to add people constantly and remind themselves to take them off.


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Hi, i want to suggest a little thing: a trial of VIP mode for 30 days ;)

30 days

1 day


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Yeah. Hi. Can I get free vip for a month only to never actually donate for it? Thanks.


Anyway, to be serious, what possible benefits could making trial versions of VIP do for the server. You already get to see what people get from other VIPs using their features and making those features free for a month would just take away from actually donating for VIP. 

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Plus, when you donate, that doesn't mean you get ViP, you shouldn't be donating to receive the ViP features.


As stated in the donation topic itself, when you donate, you're donating to keep the servers alive, and we give you the ViP status as a thank you, we are not a paid service.


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Plus, when you donate, that doesn't mean you get ViP, you shouldn't be donating to receive the ViP features.

As stated in the donation topic itself, when you donate, you're donating to keep the servers alive, and we give you the ViP status as a thank you, we are not a paid service.

Yeah that's very true, but do you seriously believe it?

If you took away vip then I'm sure donations would go down by like 90%


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Wow, somany replies! i kniw, if there is a trial tere will be an hack mabye :/

(Bad eng)

But if we add an anti-cheat, mabye we can resolve a security bug


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It won't happen, it's stupid and has nothing to do with hacks, case closed. 


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