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Grey radiant upon load

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Hey all, now I randomly get a grey screen upon load. resising/restarting the program+computer did not work. Anyone ever seen this before?

It doesnt show my map, even though it says in bottom left that it's loaded it O-o




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More info: when i first open it, it looks like a blank map with the grid (even though my map's loaded), and all the drop drown menus work. I can also right click and select things like origins, but when they are placed I don't see anything. Really peculiar, no error message either.


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Are you Alt+Tab'ing much or having a 3D game/app running along with radiant?


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Yeah I usually have cod4 running alongside radiant, never had any issue with it even when compiling. 


edit: and no I don't alt-tab because r_fullscreen 0


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Just move one of the fields by using right mouse click, hold it and move some around and boom there goes the grey screen away. Found this fix by my self :p


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No bosnian, you see the middle line between interfaces is doubled? it's because it's messed up. I try and draw brushes and see nothing in any window (also note my textures aren't even showing up)


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UPDATE: When I set radiant to auto load my previous map it works (except for the map I am currently working on). So what I'm doing currently is auto loading mp_test and then switching to my map. However, I still want to fix it because it means something is probably wrong with the map I'm working on... Any advice?


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wait stu is that you from ages ago

Might be a different stu this stu isn't from blur or anything like that if you think it is :P


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