
Only Weapon X and teaming up

7 posts in this topic

Two issues I'd like to discuss:


1) On occasion, someone might say "Only use shotgun/pistols/knives" etc. I think this is OK for a short time and if there are not many players.  The problem with it is that new players join and have to be told "only use knives" and some will still whip out the AK-47.  If there are too many players, then they'll be too many who won't agree.  Also, doing it does drag out the game, because the number of kills per minute declines, and it takes much longer for a victory.  However, I'd like to hear what the general opinions are on this.


2) The other day, I noticed a bunch of guys with CRO prefixes on their names playing (they were pretty good players), but they told people to join the other team so that all the CRO players would be on one team.  The people usually complied. While this was good for their team, ultimately they were playing against a pickup team of whoever else happened to be on, so they kicked butt (including mine).  What's the general thinking on this?  I think if they want to arrange to play as a team, they should contact the admins here and schedule a time when we have players who'd like to take them on, otherwise, I don't think they should use the server as a practice field to the detriment of regular recreational games.  What do you guys think?


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I would say don't listen to them and play how you want to play, it is called a 'fun' server so you should be able to play which ever way you please to have fun, they shouldn't spoil other peoples gameplay just because they want a certain thing, thats my opinion


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1.) The weapons (Grenade launcher removed) available may be used by any player at any time. Just because others may be using a specific type of weapon doesn't mean that others have to abide by such conditions. It's a FUN server and you should be having fun the way you want to that is within the set rules. If people would like and try organized matches with their friends on the fun server they can, however imposing it upon those outside of it who just wish to play the game to their preferred style is a negative in my eyes.

2.) It is possible for team play on regular servers and those with slight modifications to them (FUN for instance) against randoms. If they would like to be together as a team and go against others in the lobby then there's no issue there. However, if they asking players to switch teams then that's where it gets a bit iffy. Boils down to the manner in which they're asking such. Still, would be more suited to not bother randoms and regular players when if they're going to play as a team, should actually do so against other teams. As for planning and setting up events, it is possible depending on iMub. Do know that |FISH| competitions were attempted a while back

Now, going to cry to sleep from lack of double spacing


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1) People can use what ever weapon they want on the fun server, it's their choices.


2) teams are allowed but forcing someone to join the other team (especially if insults are involved) arent allowed.


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IF there is only 3 or 4 people in the server and they want to play a certain gun most times  I'll play along unless its something stupid like RPGs but I won't force anyone if they don't want to. 


As far as stacking up teams, I haven't seen anyone do it actively but its kinda pointless because the next map we're all mixed up again.  I do have a problem if these individuals start harassing the other players to change team.


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Im pretty sure i made it so you can only auto-assign? must of removed it by accident X.X


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Thanks for the responses.  


As far as 1) goes, I was just wondering what the policy was.  Often it's an ad hoc kind of thing when there's only 2 or 3 of you in the game, and you're on a huge map like countdown.  Still it slows a slow map down more.  And then a new player shows up and blasts away.  However, it is a good chance to improve your skills with weapons that you don't use much, like shotgun, or even knives.


On 2: Just to be clear, the CRO guys weren't insulting, but they were telling people to move, not asking.  No name calling, and people just moved over without comment. Lossy, I thought like you did, that they'd be scrambled on the next map, so I was surprised to see them together again on the following map.  Maybe they made a jump to the other team when an opening happened.  It was pretty busy at the time.


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