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Admin Application

12 posts in this topic

Do you accept the requirements:? Yes


What is your real name?: Francisco


What is your in-game name?: Bandit


How old are you?: 15


What is your primary server?: Deathrun and HighJump


What is your B3 CID?: @44679


What is your Xfire?:  Biozix


What is your Steam?: GothicDevil8


What makes you a good admin?: I am very playful,cheerful and most important, a respectful person, I'm a fast learner and I like helping people out with whatever they need or any question they may have. I would like to provide an answer even if I don't know the answer to that question. I like that positive feedback and response when I help someone out and knowing that If they need any help they will seek out help to me or any admin available. I would like to reach that point where we go up on our reputation and achieve people's trust and respect towards the Raid Community Admins, letting them know that we are sincere and trustworthy!. I would love to show people that if they don't follow any of the rules the server is enforced with, they will be in deep trouble and will think twice before making anything dumb.


What skills do you have?: I tried to get really good at Photoshop but I really couldn't understand how to handle it so I kinda gave it a rest. If I'm required to provide any Editing, GFX or Signatures I would love to get into Photoshop and start learning. I don't know nothing about Programming or editing, I'm willing to learn every steps to get good at editing. I'm trying to make a YouTube channel myself but i don't know how to make those cool thumbnails or Edit my own videos, I'm willing to give 100% of my time and learning.


What clans/communities/forums have you been at?: The only clan I have been to is on FISH.


Why should we choose you?: I have been playing Raid  for a long time  and when I first joined there were a lot of cheaters or people with a dirty mouth and I couldn't do anything about it so I  had to deal with it at that time. I wanted to enforce the rules and let those cheaters and loud mouths that that kind of act or vocabulary is not allowed in this servers, I can make be a great friend and really help people out, I have made mistakes in the past acting childish and now I think about the past and say to myself, I was such a immature jerk and its time to Grow up I'm 15, I should be acting like an adult even if I'm not one. I learn from my mistakes, If there is a problem I tend to solve that problem as creative, positive , and helpful as I can. I would really love to part of the Community.


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Seen him loads of times on TS&Cod4, seems like a nice bloke


Good luck matey :dave:


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gl nublet, used to talk lots on ts3 but now u don't :(


Still, active player on servers (although u dont interact much with the people playing - very quiet person :D although there is nothing wrong with it)


With some learning i think you could be a decent admin, good luck.


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