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Deathrun Killstreaks Help

6 posts in this topic

I have been working on this plugin for the past day,YES i am still a nub, i'd like some help spotting errors in the script, i'd really appreciate it, thanks.


Creator: Fedzor
Plugin: adds killstreaks to deathrun 1.2
self notify("endthisbs");
[[level.on]]( "spawned", ::DeathrunKillstreaks );
self endon ("death");
self endon ("endthisbs");
self endon("disconnect");
self.startscore = self.kills;
self.killcount = 0;
if(self.killcount != self.pers["kills"] - self.startscore)
            self.killcount = self.pers["kills"] - self.startscore;
killstreak3:                                                  //@3 kills
self notify("newstreak");
self thread streak3();
                                                                                                    getDvar("give mp_knife");
                                                                                                            self IprintInBold "You Just got a knife!");
killstreak5:                                               //@5 kills
self notify("newstreak");
self thread streak5();
                                    getDvar("give mp_deaserteaglegold"
                                                                                             self IprintInBold "You Just got a ^3Gold ^7 Deagle!");
killstreak7:                                                 //@7 kills
self notify("newstreak");
self thread streak7();
                                                                                                        self IprintInBold "You Just got the AK m8ty!");
                                           getDvar("give mp_ak47"
wait 0.05;

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Why'd you post this twice

Did i?


Edit: okay i edited it and put in "delete this thread."


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Can you change it to the code layout it looks poo i cant edit posts :p


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