
Some ideas/suggestions

6 posts in this topic

I thought about these while playing on the server this morning:

For the ammo counter, if you need it:

In "ui_mp/" add in menuDef "weaponinfo":

		name			"AmmoCounter"
		rect			(WEAPINFO_X - 68) (WEAPINFO_Y + 34) 68 0
		textscale		TEXTSIZE_SMALL
		textalign       ITEM_ALIGN_RIGHT
		forecolor		1 1 1 HUD_FOREGROUND_ALPHA
		visible			1

And remove or comment out itemDef "clipGraphic" and "ammoStock".

Edit: Because not everyone has a OW account, here's the post from OW quoted:

Hi every one' date=' I back and this time, I ported the P226, exported by someone on [i']Facepunch[/i] with Tom's new tool.

I made the Normal map by myself.

The download link of curse :!ZoxAXZrK!30beJlNTJE4apgqswvIXClqzyHzqdM8U4fLNFxOjzLI

Thanks for reporting errors or things that I forgot.



Added sound.

Sound credits are for Gamebanana.

There's an attachment on OW for the sounds but attachments require an account so I didn't include it in the qoute.


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I would like customizable hands in the characters menu :D

Lossy plz do it

Also agree with the permanently saving FOV, but maybe it won't be so easy :s

P.S. @JR I can't access that openwarfaremod link, plz copy and paste its content here or find another way, because many of us won't have an admin activated account..


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1) Maybe

2) It's still there, the server just happens to have 16+ people on :P

3) Might add it with the smart pistol from titanfall

4) I was plan on making your hands model changed depending on what character you have :P

5) If I'm honest, I have no idea why it changes on every map, maybe because it's a cheat protected command or somewhere within the global logic or something it resets it, I've already tried looking into it but have yet to find out what's causing it.


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I guess it's something in the exe that makes the fov scale unchangeable unless the server sets it, you run a map in devmap or sv_cheats is enabled as some people with modified versions of the exe can change fov scale via console. You could save it as a stat and load it on player connect, idk if it would work with commas/dots though.

@QueNNch Currently on my iPod so it's a bit hard to do atm, when I get back on my pc I'll edit my post. ;)

Edit: FP updated.


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What about the hands before the update? Can you add that back?

10/10 I want it!


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