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Map Suggestions C:

do u went these maps??   1 member has voted

  1. 1. do you went these maps??

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3 posts in this topic

Hi I'm requesting you to add colourful, heat, luvvin it, neon and pacrun to the server because they are really fun maps I remember from the old times and I would love them on the server, I'm sure loads of others want these beauties as well :D


Name of map: colourful

Difficulty: hard

Length of map: long

Amount of traps: many

End rooms: a few

Download link: at the bottom




Name of map: neon


Difficulty: short 

Length of map: easy

Amount of traps: many

End rooms: a few

Download link: at the bottom




Name of map: pacrun


Difficulty: meh

Length of map: medium

Amount of traps: many

End rooms: a few 

Download link: at the bottom




Name of map: heat


Difficulty: hard

Length of map: hard

Amount of traps: hard

End rooms: many

Download link: at the bottom




Name of map: luvvin it


Difficulty: it has a secret

Length of map: made by the community owner

Amount of traps: yeah i guess

End rooms: it does have them

Download link: at the bottom


Map Pack :!qscxgASb!DCDo43SGstNpIBS4OgsXcCkxbb2pxA5aQOn3LnzWP28

only just realised it's called lossy map pack when it also has luvvin it, oops X)



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Closing topic, no screenshots were posted so the map suggestions aren't valid ;)


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