
3 New Ideas (Secondary, VIP Sniper, Daily Scoreboard)

Would you like to see the ideas?   23 members have voted

  1. 1. Would you like to see a secondary be added to the game?

    • Yes
    • No
  2. 2. Would you like to see a VIP sniper be added for VIP members?

    • Yes
    • No
  3. 3. Would you like to see a daily scoreboard be added?

    • Yes
    • No

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12 posts in this topic



Good afternoon, I'm Slype and I'm here with 3 nice ideas for the developers to have a look at.





So I had this idea a while back ago about a secondary.

First I was like, let’s have a pistol...but that’s a bit too op.

So then I came up with the idea that you could possibly have a knife of some kind as secondary.

It doesn’t really serve a point, but I still think it would be a fun idea, cause who doesn’t love changing weapons when running? Right?

Idk if it’s simple to code, but the idea is pretty much that you get to pick your primary as usual and then you spawn in with a knife as well.


VIP Sniper:

While I was thinking about the idea above, I was like, I’d really love if the sniper would have a VIP skin.

So the idea is simple, make so there’s not only a VIP deagle you can spawn in with, but a sniper VIP as well, perhaps you could get the 2 weapons at the same time.

I think this would really make people want to buy VIP, just to get that super sexy sniper, with that awesome animated/gif/moving camo.


Daily scoreboard:

And for the 3rd idea I have, it’s pretty simple in the thought but probably a pain in the ass to code.

So the idea is basically a daily leaderboard, it displays the top 5 players and how many kills they have that day.
As I said before, it’s probably a pain in the ass to code cause you’ll have to make a program that register all the kills and then make a script that displays it all.
But doubt it’s impossible, seen as though we have some incredibly skilled scripters on raid.



That’s all from me for now, I had some other ideas which I can’t remember atm so I’ll probably make another post later with them or just update this oneJ


Thank you for reading and  have a nice day, feel free to improve the ideas.

And ofc feel free to vote for the ideas above:)


/ SlypeOG


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Secondary: Hell no you would never run out of ammo and the acti would stand no chance. Plus it would be pointless to have a secondary knife.


VIP Sniper: If you have 2 weapons and you're VIP it'd be really unfair, we don't want to make it easier for the people that have money like EA


Daily scoreboard: Not a bad idea but I dunno if they have the time to do that right now, maybe somebody could give it a shot but it seems far fetched atm.


I only really like the 3rd idea but I don't think it will happen


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Jesus christ the colors.. Just make it one color ;_;


And, I feel like the 3rd idea is the only appealing one to me.


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The first idea in my opinion is a little pointless, the second is a great idea and the last is a nice idea but I dunno how it'd be made :P

Thanks for the suggestions though!


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I like the second and third idea 


The V.I.P Sniper is a great idea because it will interest more people on buying V.I.P 


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2nd and 3rd m8.


for the sniper i believe troll was messing about with some ideas for VIP, e.g.



3rd idea is good too.


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First would be easy to implement.

All that would need to be done is to add a line of code for when you spawn with your weapon to give you a secondary weapon. Making it customizable however would be a bit of a pain, plus I don't think there's any other knives but you could maybe chose between the tomahawk and the knife. Which I think would be pretty cool. All in all it would basically consist of copying the same functions for primary weapons and rewriting new ones for a secondary. As well as adding new hud elements for you to chose a secondary. Which, as I said before, is quite tedious. 

The second idea is a nice way to make VIP more appealing. Only problems I can think of is Lossy being lazy (which is rare) or there being too many models in the mod/guns (which I think there's still space). However this would likely result in more people using the sniper to kill the activator which, when you think about it, is a bit OP. (imo ofc)


The third idea is the most difficult to implement imo, because you'd have to use the 1.7x read/write functions. Once you figure out how to use them however, I think it's very possible. But then comes the quesiton of how the information is going to be displayed? Would it be via a command in b3? Or a hud element at the end of the map? What about the map scores/credits/etc.? Or would it be displayed in the main menu? All of which, I assume, would be a pain in the ass to update/change.

tl;dr - Thank god I'm not a CM anymore


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The first idea to me is kinda pointless to me because I feel like I only need one weapon.


The second idea would be too op, especially if the VIP user is a low rank.


The third idea is great but seems like it would take a lot of work to implement.


Great suggestions though!


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Playerbase can be done monthly, with gametracker. Also done by BuRn!/< in area51.


Other ideas are pretty straight forward, but I'd think it's nice for vip to have a sniper instead of a secondary, and normal players have a knife.




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The third idea is very much possible, In braxi deathrun mod it draws the best players of the round, all we would have to do is make a timed script for the source to draw the top players of the day [24H], using a similar mechanism to Echelon b3 ban recorder it would be possible by reading the log file. 


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