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That sounds like -> :foreveralone: :foreveralone: :foreveralone:

That is  :foreveralone:  :foreveralone:  :foreveralone:


Also, be my guest if that's a genuine offer :dumb:


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I have PMed a couple of people about testing, if anyone else would like to help feel free to post here or send me a PM.


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I'll either set up a server or ask someone who currently has one to let me borrow it, hopefully in the next couple of days.


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I'm sure troll will allow you to setup a server ;)


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I'll either set up a server or ask someone who currently has one to let me borrow it, hopefully in the next couple of days.



I'm sure troll will allow you to setup a server ;)




Although, I'd be the one to set it up :P


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coming from the dude that made wealth and wanted to give everyone xp, fuck off ur opinion is shit 


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coming from the dude that made wealth and wanted to give everyone xp, fuck off ur opinion is shit 

So is yours...


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Let's stop derailing this topic please ladies. Thank you. (Sentrex i'll leave you to decide if you wanna lock it, since i dont what you have been doing with this map recently)


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Also, be my guest if that's a genuine offer :dumb:

All I want is your soul :motherofgod: message me on steam! :angryarnold:




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All I want is your soul :motherofgod: message me on steam! :angryarnold:






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Only showed page prior on mobile, I blame iMtroll and Mikey



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Will maybe finish it in summer, but probably not.


Just giving you all a heads up who are expecting this map soon, it's not gonna happen.


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Will maybe finish it in summer, but probably not.


Just giving you all a heads up who are expecting this map soon, it's not gonna happen.



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I'm having to focus on exams for now, I'll see if I can do it after

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