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Deathrun trap ideas?

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Hello it's Wabba! I am working on my own deathrun map called mp_deathrun_mlg and I REEEAAHHLYY can't come up with any good, unique traps :(

Can someone somehow hint me or give some ideas?

Thank you :D



My map screens:












BTW does my map look decent enough?


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for picture do;




or just add an attachment,


Traps should be unique to ur map surroundings and map name, some screenshots of the map layout would be useful if u have any


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I am thinking to add a trap where a player gets trapped in a room, then a smoke effect will be played and a death trigger will come from the above and kill the player :D

The only thing is, I don't know how to kill the player without moving the trigger or having the trigger in anyway... What is the code for hurting the player?

Thank you :D


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I am thinking to add a trap where a player gets trapped in a room, then a smoke effect will be played and a death trigger will come from the above and kill the player :D

The only thing is, I don't know how to kill the player without moving the trigger or having the trigger in anyway... What is the code for hurting the player?

Thank you :D


hurt_trigger on the ground with 1000 dmg :dave:


And it looks like a decent map, easy design and looks kinda good. I would add slightly more details and it will be far then good :)


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edit: didn't read the quote, there was something retarded here before but i removed it


ignore me 


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I am thinking to add a trap where a player gets trapped in a room, then a smoke effect will be played and a death trigger will come from the above and kill the player :D

The only thing is, I don't know how to kill the player without moving the trigger or having the trigger in anyway... What is the code for hurting the player?

Thank you :D

To move a trigger you have to link it to a movable brush. So, in your case, place a noclip/nodraw brush in the middle of your trigger. Then in your script link your trigger to the brush and move the brush.


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I just make a trigger multiple, and then when it gets activated, thread something that makes player suicide, and then have that thread delete the trigger multiple ezpz


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To move a trigger you have to link it to a movable brush. So, in your case, place a noclip/nodraw brush in the middle of your trigger. Then in your script link your trigger to the brush and move the brush.

You mean this:

  spikes enablelinkto ();
  spikes linkto (platform);

So I can't just give the trigger a targetname and then move it in my script?

Thank you :D


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You mean this:

  spikes enablelinkto ();
  spikes linkto (platform);

So I can't just give the trigger a targetname and then move it in my script?

Thank you :D

Yuhp. CoD4 doesnt allow it for some reason


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Yuhp. CoD4 doesnt allow it for some reason

By the way what is the nodraw clip? Is that a texture that's non-colliding?

Thank you :D


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My fx aren't working

 door = getEnt("door","targetname");
 trig = getEnt("trap7_trig","targetname");
 trig waittill("trigger", player);
 //player braxi\_rank::giveRankXP("", 10);
 trig delete();
door moveY(-132,1);
fire1 = getent("fire1","targetname");
level._effect[ "fire" ] = loadfx( "fire/firelp_med_streak_pm_h" );
maps\mp\_fx::loopfx("fire", (fire1.origin), 3, (fire1.origin) + (0, 0, 90));

door moveY(132,1);

Is there something wrong in the code?

Thank you :D


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You can also use this to turn triggers on and off:

triggername maps\mp\_utility::triggerOff();
triggername maps\mp\_utility::triggerOn();

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Can someone help me with the fx?

I've spent three hours trying to figure it out, but no luck...


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do you have /fx_enable set to 1? ( i think it's the command )


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do you have /fx_enable set to 1? ( i think it's the command )

It works when I have it like this:

smoke = getent("smoke","targetname");
level._effect[ "smoke" ] = loadfx( "deathrun/green_smoke" );
maps\mp\_fx::loopfx("smoke", (smoke.origin), 3, (smoke.origin) + (0, 0, 90));

but when I want it to start when a trigger is activated it doesn't work...


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I got the script working! Only thing is, it's in a loop. Can I make it play in a spesific amout of time then stop? Are some fx in a loop and some not?


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I got the script working! Only thing is, it's in a loop. Can I make it play in a spesific amout of time then stop? Are some fx in a loop and some not?

A loop doesn't have to be infinite, just set your loop to be a specific time.


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