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Just wondering if i can do this or not

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Ok i am running a clan at the moment and hate i really mean hate wearing tags and want to make a community but thats your idea as it was an awesome idea by you guys i don't want to copy anything involving deathrun from raid or even mimic any feature from raid as my server has a way different fill to it and mimicking thing is just pure nubblet. If you say that i shouldn't have a community as you guys had made that idea i will not make it and keep it a clan.


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You should be asking yourself if you really want to run a clan/community, do you have the effort to do so? Do you think it has a high chance to be successful?


At the moment I wouldn't bother making a new clan/community because there too many servers for the current cod4 population unless you're able to make stuff that's unique or original to make people want to join.


At the moment i'm seeing a lot of people trying to make a clan or community but they have 0 knowledge and expect others to do things for them or they're begging people for scripts to copy another certain... you get what im saying. They don't really get far because once the clans/communitys that are unique goes away, so does their clan/community because they depend on other clans/communitys to come up with the ideas.


Having a creative mind is 1 step at becoming a successful clan/community. :)


But you run it how you want to run it, just don't keep changing, shutting it down or what ever constantly because that doesn't draw people.


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You should be asking yourself if you really want to run a clan/community, do you have the effort to do so? Do you think it has a high chance to be successful?


At the moment I wouldn't bother making a new clan/community because there too many servers for the current cod4 population unless you're able to make stuff that's unique or original to make people want to join.


At the moment i'm seeing a lot of people trying to make a clan or community but they have 0 knowledge and expect others to do things for them or they're begging people for scripts to copy another certain... you get what im saying. They don't really get far because once the clans/communitys that are unique goes away, so does their clan/community because they depend on other clans/communitys to come up with the ideas.


Having a creative mind is 1 step at becoming a successful clan/community. :)


But you run it how you want to run it, just don't keep changing, shutting it down or what ever constantly because that doesn't draw people.

i clicked the upvote button, but no upvote!?!?!?


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i clicked the upvote button, but no upvote!?!?!?

you downvoted


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you downvoted

site's broken :^)


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I just wanted to inform you that here's something called commas and paragraphs.

Just saying you know :D


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Well Lossy i have been successful adding new guns and stuff and about scripting it's all good, the reason i am already do so well [rank] 600 on gametracker with-in a week is probally because its an Australian server and other deathrun server there is dying so yeah.


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No one here owns the concept of a community. We weren't even the first cod4 server to run as a community rather than a clan. I based the idea of Raid and how it would run off of Luk-Servers. I was an admin there for a short time before it shut down and felt it ran much better than any other clan I was a part of. So, when we started raid, I made it as clear as possible that raid would not be a clan. That Raid would run similarly to Luk-Servers as I felt it was the best system.

So as lossy said, the question is not whether you can. It's whether you should.


And honestly, I say you go for it. I've only ever heard of one other Australian server and I'm not even sure if they're still up. If you have the motivation and work ethic to make your server great, you should do it. Especially with how little competition there is in Australia :dave:


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It takes dedication, lots of dedication. Which is why 4x3 (A community i co-hosted) fell within like two months of it becoming popular.


But I agree you should go for it.


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