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Form Submission: Admin Applications

12 posts in this topic

Do you accept the requirements?: Yes 


What is your real name?: Josh Vine 


What is your in-game name?: SnipeD 


How old are you?: 21 What is your primary server?: Fun


 What is your B3 CID?:11655


What is your Xfire?: snipedog88 


What is your Skype?: josh.vine


What is your Steam?: snipedog88 


What is your Origin?: na 


What makes you a good admin?: I wish for every player to be able to play a clean game free from any form of hacking. Too often individuals join the server, and end up wrecking the fun for the rest of the "clean" players. I am patient and will not ban unless I am certain the player is in fact cheating. I have a fast internet connection with a ping of under 30 and achieve a constant frame rate of 125 fps on the Raid Fun server, so it is usually easy to determine who is cheating. 


What skills do you have?:

- Audio Recording Technology (My day job is an Event Technology Specialist)
- Photoshop
- Computer repairs
- Some html coding


 What clans/communities/forums have you been at?: None 


Why should we choose you?: Our main job as Admins is to keep the servers fun and fair for everyone. I would be honored to help enforce the set rules. I play frequently, so I could frequently monitor the server. Most other reasons why I believe I would make a good candidate are listed under "What Makes you a Good Admin".


Thank you for considering me, I know there have been quite a few applicants.



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well, good luck! i dont really know you so not much i can say.


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Josh next time you are on the fun server just do !register for your b3 id
And Good Luck


Edit by Gabe: and then do !regtest


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Don't really know you too well.  But good luck on your app! :)


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Good luck, seen you a couple times on the Fun server and Deathrun, cool guy, never really socialized with him much, but good luck!


okay, just seen the other comments so, this is unintentional spam... sorry.


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I notice my application was denied. Thank you again for your consideration and taking the time to review my application.


Josh (SnipeD)


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I notice my application was denied. Thank you again for your consideration and taking the time to review my application.


Josh (SnipeD)

Seems you were denied due to failure to read the requirements. Being that you only have 5 posts and it is required to have 10 before applying.

Get your post count up to 15 without spamming and you may reapply.



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