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Voice Cast needed.

18 posts in this topic

Hi all. I have a Tiny mission ready that took me one week to create.

I need someone to Voice the sergant as i am not really in the mood these days for voice acting.


If anyone is interested I can link him a video of how the scenes are and what lines he has to say.


I hope to hear news soon.


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Im sure Troll / Anti / Staab are your guys for this, done voice acting in the past.


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Good, um is there any video i can watch? I have heard Staabs voice only.


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Im sure Troll / Anti / Staab 








all seriousness message me on steam if you need me for anything



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I'd be down to voice act. You can check out recent stuff i've done over on my youtube channel.


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Eh, can check some of the other videos if you wish, emotionless monotone is more my thing

Anti i was sure about that.



Here is voice acting on slaya's zombie map RiseV2

Good but i dont think it is what i want.



i have the best voice for voice acting > :)

Send me some recordings if you may.


I'd be down to voice act. You can check out recent stuff i've done over on my youtube channel.

Sounds alright. You will do. :)


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Everything is ready. All i need to release it, are the voiceovers. It would be good to have em on Monday. But whatever.


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just ignore me okay then no voice 4 you 


hahaha :p


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just ignore me okay then no voice 4 you 

Did you even Volunteered? You just quoted Purity and posted a pic saying "U WOT M8?" I didnt see a participation request.


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Did you even Volunteered? You just quoted Purity and posted a pic saying "you what mate?" I didnt see a participation request.

Look in the spoiler

Tbf he didn't make it obvious


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I would assume most people would look in a dam spoiler after seeing a trolly type reply

I guess not

Inb4 doesn't know I'm staab


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Okey, sometimes spoilers contain more trolling images so i skipped it. Anyway, ill consider you as a Volunteer. Download the lines and see what you can do :)


LOL @Staab!  -AJ Didnt realise its you! Sorry mate.


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