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Admin Application TheBeachedWhales tots mah gots awesomest tubular application

4 posts in this topic

Do you accept the requirements? yes


What is your real name? Matthew Thiemet


What is your in-game name? FB||Whale


How old are you? 14 What is your primary server? fun


What is your B3 CID? N/A


What is your Xfire? thebeachedwhale


What is your Skype? thebeachedwhale2


What is your Steam? TheBeachedWhale


What is your Origin? N/A


What makes you a good admin?


I am incredibly dedicated to the server, its the only one I regularly play. I am a fair person and usually run at a ping around 50, most of all I hate the amount of hacking that is going around and wish to stop it. Im really all about the end of hacking on the raid servers. I just cant stand it when people hack. Most of all I will have no biases I will make sure someone is hacking before bringing down the banhammer. Plus i was recommended to apply by darksoul.


What skills do you have?


1. I dont have any really useful skills other than Im pretty skilled in creating blogsites or websites


What Clans have you been in before? FB a cod4 clan (not really a big deal to me)


Why should we choose you? Im active. I want the best for the players on the servers. Im a generally fair person, and I love playing on the raid servers. (there really aren't any servers I have found to be more fun) sorry for butt kissing :D plus even though im young and will probably get looked over I want the server to be clean of hackers or as clean as it can get so if your not going to choose me because of my age or my lack of skills please pick someone who will do good for the server. 


Thank you for considering me and reading this even though I am a bit of a noob 



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